
Tuesday 31 December 2013

Mystics Water and Wine

During the Rev 12 timeline, a man that was in my life at the time, noticed that I was not drinking water, and made a point of speaking of it. Along the journey, people kept telling me to drink water and lots of it. I look at the water from the tap and you know what its filled with. I have not thirst for water, so drink very little of it. Most of the time, none at all.

When there are events happening or talk of war, this mystic does not have an appetite to eat either.

How about you? In recent days, it has been shown to me that what I have experienced is mentioned in scripture and it has a mystical biblical aspect.

'Then Ezra withdrew from before the house of elohiym and went to the room of Jehohanan son of Eliashib. While he was there, he ate no food and drank no water, because he continued to mourn over the unfaithfulness of the exiles.' Ezra 10:6

I was drinking some water prior to the Rev 12 timeline, due to it being essential to a change in diet, I would like to return to drinking fresh water, if the LORD wills it to be so.

'The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.' Proverbs 11:3 'The righteousness of the upright delivers them, but the unfaithful are trapped' Proverbs 11:6

'Good judgment wins favor, but the way of the unfaithful leads to their destruction.' Proverbs 11:13 

'As at Adam, they have broken the covenant; they were unfaithful to me there.' Hosea 6:7

'You ask, “Why?” It is because the LORD is the witness between you and the wife of your youth. You have been unfaithful to her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant.' Malachi 2:14

“The man who hates and divorces his wife,” says the LORD, the God of Israel, “does violence to the one he should protect,” says the Lord Almighty. So be on your guard, and do not be unfaithful". Malachi 2:16

'What if some were unfaithful? Will their unfaithfulness nullify God’s faithfulness?' Romans 3:3
How many rams from the flock were brought to yours truly, do you know? Lev 5:15 Deu 32:20 
On Sunday, there was a leg of lamb cooked, it is a sign. 
The Son of Joseph, the RAB, was an Aries.

After Adam left his wife, I was brought an Aries. The Father of my Son. Who has now passed over. After that another Aries was brought, and we remained friends over the years.

Relationships between Aries and Aquarians have not been found to be compatible. Air and Fire together can be explosive in relationship. In fact, it got to the point, when I would never go out with an Aries, if asked.

I worked for a company and one of the partners was an Aries. After I left that company and started my own, I was brought a Capricorn, lady bookkeeper, we became great friends, although we did part company after my return from Australia.

A Taurean healer was also brought me to for my healing process, Peter and the 'inner child' work was powerful and got me on track of becoming like a little child to enter the kingdom of heaven.

When they found me in the Galilee of the Gentiles, a young Capricorn was brought to me in business. A lot of work had to be done with him, to get him on the upright track that was right for him.

I was also brought a Capricorn lady, to get her on the path of healing.

After the return from Australia, I was brought a Capricorn and there was a lot of self-healing for him to do. He walked out on me, five times in five months, due to it. He then left to live his dream in Mexico.

I was brought the Prince of Greece, and he was another Capricorn. He said he felt like he was dying, I replied, 'It is the death of the old self, it is a sign of a new beginning.' A platonic friendship, that got him back on track, after a bereavement.

Based on year of birth of the physical, my North Node is Capricorn. It is the only earth sign that I have in the whole of my astrological chart.

Capricorn is a fixed sign, when it is in a north node, it means the soul journey is fixed, and there is nothing anyone can do about it, to change it.

Just sharing to aid comprehension.

It would be interesting to look at my north node based upon the first engagement with God, harmonic concordance in 2003. 2nd engagement with God was in 2004. Both those engagements were in the same North Node. First co
nceived, then born again.

It is North Node Taurus.

'My guy got sick, needed attention.
So I put on my nurses hat.
My heart fell when he called it 'distraction'.
That's not where I was at!

And I remembered:
Seek ye first, the kingdom of heaven
And I turned within.
And before too long, my heart felt strong.
The outside got in order again!
So seek ye first
Because inside of you's the kingdom of heaven.

Healing song from Jan Spiller, Astrology of the soul.

The Israeli healer and author that met me in Florence for the first harmonic concordance with the Italians was born on the Pisces-Aries Cusp.

The Man of Science, the man from Sweden was also born on that same cusp, Pisces-Aries Cusp.

So the LORD made sure, that plenty of 'rams' were brought to me during my life. 'Rams' from the flock, and some of them 'Sons' that asked me to marry them, exactly as the biblical prophecies predicted.

I had a realization the other day, why so many guys asked me to marry them during my life. It was another biblical prophecy fulfilled. That the sons would dwell with the godmother.

I wept, to know, that he gave his Harp instrument of loving faithfulness, so that they could pull her heartstrings. Every time they took a heartstring from her, it had to be replaced with a new heartstring. 

I am sure that there are others that are not listed, including students. However, those are the ones that I remember. Not all were one-to-one relationships, some were colleagues, friends, etc. 

Then a man spoke of how faithful Leo's are. The response given was as follows: 

After the Leo 'devastated' the life of the faithful one and her son. Two years later a Scorpio was brought. After that another Ram. In my experience, Scorpio's and Leo's have 'issues' with fidelity and faithfulness. 

Was Obama the Leo, faithful? Are cats faithful? 

So who will make amends for what Obama and his followers have done?

North node is essential in determining compatibility, that is why the Hindus always look at the souls journey, and whether their soul journeys are compatible. Another reason why there are so many marriage break ups, its due to re-alignment of the journey of the soul.

The soul journey of a person supercedes earthly realities, that is another reason why it is essential that people comprehend it. I once had a client, that was involved in astrology, he looked at the astrology chart of everyone that he chose to work with, on any level. In the last week, I also took a brief look at the compatibility of two people working together on a project. 

Its a few years ago now, when the LORD spoke of 'Collaboration', with others, and there are a few projects that have been waiting for the right time to complete them. Sometimes, its not just about the right time, it also about a person, that is willing to work with you on a project. 

Different people for different projects work well, I always did like creative teamwork, since my days of working with the creative teams, and being involved in the development of creative projects. 2014, will certainly be a creative time for the spiritual, and those that unite in the heart of essentials. There are many solutions for helping humanity to shift, due to what is coming upon it. 

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