
Saturday 28 December 2013


A few weeks ago I was looking for a cane basket to put some spices, coconut oil, and coconut milk into. I didn't find the cane basket that I was looking for, then I sauntered into a shop called 'Evolution'. Evolution is owned by the Buddhists, and they have shops spread across the country. Everyone that works in the shops are Buddhists as well, and they have a charitable foundation for their proceeds.

The Wind Horse, is the name that the Buddhists chose, and the next Chinese New Year will be in the Year of the Horse. Excellent year for spiritual people, a Christos year for yours truly, and I shall write more about that after the New Year.

The cane had a big message for me during my lifetime. When I met Adam, we had a large peacock cane chair and I have a photograph of my son sitting in it, when he was a baby. When I was working in Antiques, I used to buy old cane chairs and paint them to freshen them up. In those days, there used to be collectors of canes (walking sticks) and cane furniture. I had a collection of walking sticks on offer at that time of involvement with antiques. It was a fun journey and I met some very interesting people. Oh yes, I drove all night, to be in the right place at the right time, to be at those auctions spread about the countryside.

I also liked to have cane baskets in my kitchen, the eggs where kept in a cane basket, and I had a very large cane basket for the vegetables. I always like to see the fresh vegetables on display. My kitchen faced North gate in those days, so it was a good place for the kitchen and the food. It was a very large kitchen with plenty of light and fresh air. The sliding doors were the length of the room and and looked out onto the garden. I really liked that large house with many rooms. Although it was a lot for a single mum to maintain, due to the length of its 30 ft hallways on four levels. By the time I finished decorating it, I had to start all over again, very soon afterwards. It seemed to be, never ending decorating. I was good at decorating when I was younger, and enjoyed it. However, this single parent mum, certainly took on a challenge, when she took on that large Victorian house.

The rooms were prepared, and many people came to stay. Well I was writing that post and a friend who has a B&B came to take me out for lunch. We went to get the feathers for the baby, and we bumped into a farmer during lunch.  I was sharing with him about the Beet, for those that have got high blood pressure, and other healing foods.

Anyway, back to the cane. Where was I? There is certainly a lot that you can do with cane. Apart from baskets and furniture, historically, it also had other purposes, e.g. boats and roofs. Some people might also remember the cane at school. Oh, that headmaster!

In etymology, the English word for cane comes from the Hebrew 'Qana', and it is written that the word appears in Isaiah 46:6. Isaiah 36:6, and Ezekiel 29:6. [1] Interesting stone found in Lebanon related to this. [2] As I have written, the LORD has a soft spot for Lebanon.



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