
Friday 6 December 2013


There is an interesting verse at biblegateway today, and it refers to 'going in and out' of Jesus. Of course people cannot go out of him, until they've integrated fully the keys of the kingdom for healing consciousness. However, most do not wish to go through him, to enter that gateway that leads to safe pastures.

'Therefore Jesus said again, "Verily truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture". John 10.7. The gate mostly associated with Jesus in Israel is the Lion's gateway, the Dalet, the gateway of selflessness. If you view it in terms of the body, then it is the gateway that opens the inner sanctum of the heart. It was that gateway that was purified with salt in September 2007, on 999 when the covenant for the children was delivered.

When Jesus sent his companions out, he sent them to gain sponsorship from the rich that were worthy of them, so that they could help the poor at the grassroots for free. His true followers of his spiritual healing community, were fed at the grass roots on the 'ruins of the rich.' 

The 'ruins of the rich', are the people at the grass roots and what the rich have done to them. Isaiah 5:17. Hence, Jesus was fed on the ruins of the rich as well. 'Then sheep will graze in their own pasture; lambs will feed among the ruins of the rich". Hence the gentle lambs are found in the spiritual, healing community. Hence, that is where I was found, on the galilee of the gentiles. 

IMHV, the time will come when the 'ruins of the rich', cycle will be broken. The more that people and the nations are healed, the greater the power of the people at the grass roots. Once the people comprehend the 'social engineering' that has taken place, and how the orthodox Christians, have been involved in it, at every level. Then things will shift. 

The land by the sea will become pastures having wells for shepherds and pens for flocks. Zephaniah 2:6 No coincidence then that verse is 26, the gematria value of the name of God. His name is not Jesus. 

That is why it is written that they go in and out of his gate. However, his lovingkindness and what he has taught you about healing consciousness, stays with you forever. My divine training with him took place for seven years+ years and at the end we danced in happiness and joy, like being in a ballroom with him gliding around the room. He had delivered me to the safety of the pasture, and as the scripture states Sharon was there in the location of the healers and spiritual community. Isaiah 65:10. Sharon was also given a mission with children, our passion and love for children is where we unite. 

An American spiritual Christian, 'Black Hat',  wrote: The time is upon for big changes some are excited others are scared just matters which master you serve'. 

I responded, 

I comprehend the reasons why. 

What was comfortable isn't comfortable anymore. We did warn people that their comfort ones would be stripped away from them. Jesus also warned people what would happen if they hoarded their wealth. Remember what he said to the rich man, the rich man could not follow him, unless he gave his everything to the poor. So all those Christians that got jobs because they were Christians, all those Muslims that got jobs because they were Muslims, all those Jews that got jobs because they were Jews. All those Hindu's that got jobs because they were Hindu's. They are all getting major wake up calls. 

Someone else asked 'Is this another sheeple thread'. I responded. 

I am sharing the info on Serco with the people that I know.

How about you?

Serco was started by an American company, RCA. 85% of their staff are ex-government workers. 
The ex-CEO was a pentecostal, more 'social engineering' of the people of our nations by the Christian orthodox. 

So what do people get from wells? Water, remember legend speaks of the water carrier that gave Jesus water at the well. No coincidence then that an old friend of mine (haven't seen her for years) works for a water company at board level. She was also a volunteer for the Samaritans in her younger years. The water of life is important, because the children thirst for real answers that only real spirituality can offer them. I don't ever remember her bringing me water, although I do remember that we knew how to knock back the wine. 

Of course, the wine is to do with the mystics, in Judaism the wine is given to Elijah the Prophet. No coincidence then that the wine was offered to me in Israel, when I sat at the dining table on shabat. At  that time I did not comprehend the importance of the wine to Israel, and the Jewish people. Although I was aware of the ancient ceremony of pouring red wine over bread then eating it. The combination of the feminine and masculine energy as one. 

Water is also to do with consciousness and peace, water holds memory. Hence, why, I keep an eye on the quality of the water that is coming out of the taps, and how much is being charged for it. 

 'If one can achieve peace of mind, then enlightenment springs from the well of peace'. From Sacred Words 

As we know, every cell has a mind, and every cell has a mind of its own. That is why a single cell can live outside of the human body for a month. 

You can understand then, the importance of the water from the well of the water carrier, of the Aquarian Age of the water carrier. Without water there is no life, and the water is also symbolic of the divine feminine. The water that flows, Shiloh. As predicted in the book of Genesis when Shiloh came the sceptre would leave Judah. 

In the Essene Gospel of Peace, Jesus also spoke of the holy streams, and the importance of finding them in the last days of the end times. He did say that if the 'Son of Man' had not come in this timeframe, then all humanity would be destroyed. He also said, 'May the dark vision of the future not come to pass'. 

This is especially relevant, there is a tidal surge against the UK, people have died and others are being evacuated. Also if you bear in mind that ISON, and its rocks are traveling at 2 million miles a day towards earth. Rev 16:21 Predicted that hail would come and it would weigh nearly 100lbs. As we know 100 is to do with the spiritual law of what you give comes back to you a 100 fold.

In the book of Exodus the hail came upon Pharaoh, and the land of Egypt. Now Obama is the Pharaoh that is also mentioned in the Qu'ran. So it looks like the USA will definitely be involved in the 100lb hail when it arrives. Some are saying 'No Christmas 2013'. Homeless people require homes. 

While I was writing this post, the heavenly Father said, joyously, 'Bob's Your Uncle' and that is a very British saying. It basically means 'Everything is alright'. Bob was also a 'slang' word for 'safety'. It was a cockney word for a coin or note. e.g. A ten bob note. Or a ten bob coin, the Christians even had Bob a job week for scouts where they raised money by doing chores for people. Due to the decline in membership of the Christian Scouts, I read that they have opened it up to people from other religions. The heavenly Father described what the orthodox Christians have done as a 'National Tragedy'. I can comprehend his meaning in terms of the 'food poverty' and the long term impact on the health of the nation. 

I can also comprehend it in terms of what Serco have done to our nation. That includes making sure that there were enough children and immigrants to fill their detention centres and prisons. Serco make money from people being in prison, and detention centres. As such, it never was the orthodox way to liberate the people from them, because it co-creates the 'ruins of the rich'. 

Serco have co-created a national tragedy, first they're workers were in government and made sure that the doors to immigration were opened up, by making sure England was ruled by the EU parliament. Then they're ready to catch them with the Serco police force, then put them in Serco detention centres and prisons. 

Who has been paying for the national tragedy to happen? The citizens of the UK, the tax payers, and that includes everyone. Even if you're unemployed, you are still paying taxes, because everything that you purchase has tax upon it. So when the British government implement austerity measures upon the poor, they're are also co-creating austerity measures upon the corporations. The poor are the critical mass, and they are awakening. 

Its also a national tragedy that the orthodox Christian churches of this nation, refuse to accept wisdom of Shiloh, and the holy streams that it offers the nations. That is why the children now come. However, as Isaiah 8 shares with them, the testimony of warning still exists, and the prophecies predict that the religious buildings will burn in the flames. The flame of Joseph is here, and Jacob is the fire. It also predicts that America, the land of ESAU, will become stubble, Why is that? What did the USA do with their inheritance? Do you know? Was their thanksgiving dinner worth it? Well they sure are going to find out about the spiritual law of cause and effect. 

As Isaiah 29 predicts, wonders will astound them. 

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