
Friday 6 December 2013

St Cadoc Uncovered George

It always fascinates me how things are uncovered, and they then reveal more than appearances. As Isaiah predicted wonders will astound them in this timeframe. This is about the Church of Saint Cadoc in Wales and how they found some medieval paintings under layers and layers of paintwork.

It includes a painting of what they say is a princess that planned to feed the lamb to the dragon, if George didn't come in time to rescue the lamb. One might ask what does that have to do with the biblical prophecy? The wondrous woman from heaven was rescued in Rev 12, but not by George.

Daughter Zion was rescued in Micah 4, but not by George. However, as we know the current pope was born with the name of Jorge.

In the time of Saint Cadoc, the Church were also given ‘a warning of the coming of a 'Western Briton' who is to be renamed Sophias.’  As we know the word 'Sophia' means 'Wisdom', and wisdom was called in the Rev 13 timeline to do the count. It is also written that Jesus also said that 'Wisdom will be proven right by HER words, wisdom will be proven right by her actions'.

In the profile of Cadoc it mentions that Arthur of the Holy Grail legend was involved.  The name Alexander is also mentioned.  The Jewish sages know the importance of the name 'Alexander', it was also the middle name of the Son of Joseph.

So then, who was the princess that was going to give the gentle lamb to the dragon? The only one that comes to my remembrance is the princess that gifted the golden gown. As mentioned in the prophecies. The golden gown made in India, was bought in Saudi Arabia, and after my second return from Israel, the princess invited me to go to Saudi Arabia. The heavenly Father, forbid me to go.  Then they were coming to the UK, and I was invited to join them for dinner. Again, the heavenly Father, forbid me to go.

I still don't see how St George fits in with biblical prophecy. These paintings in the Church depict a future event. A prophecy of what was to come when the 'Western Briton' with the name of Sophias arrived on the scene. Hence the word 'wisdom'. Also St George is the patron saint of England, so it would be an Englishman, that would defend the lamb with his sword. Not a religious man from Latin America, that sits in the Vatican City.

There have been Englishmen that have defended me in both timelines of Rev 12 and Micah 4. However, I know not of a man called George. Although we do have an historic George pub. I will keep you posted, if I meet a man called George.

Here are the paintings.

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