
Thursday 5 December 2013

Watercress and Cranberry Soup

Well I  looked into the fridge so see what had to be eaten today and it was the watercress. Not fresh enough to eat as salad, not gone enough to throw away. So it is soup for Chanukah. Watercress and Cranberry soup.

The healing power of cranberries can help prevent urinary tract infections, they are also a good source of ellegic acid, an antioxident. In laboratory tests they found that cranberries helped to prevent mutations in DNA.

Medium sized pan filled with water, and then in with the pack of watercress. I then added a small potato, a carrot cut up small. While cooking, sliced a small red onion sauted in a couple of tablespoons of butter, with a few small segments of garlic. I then added a teaspoon of palm oil to it as well. Once the  onion was soft, I drained the onion and added it to the soup.

Then in the remaining combination butter and palm oil, I added a tablespoon of flour to make a roux and then kept on adding milk until it was a nice thick consistency that was fluid enough to add to the soup so that it would disperse in the soup.

Added a teaspoon of turmeric to the soup, kept stirring and tasting while it was cooking on a low heat. Added 12 capers that are good for teeth, then added two tablespoons of cranberry. The cranberry that is  usually served with Christmas dinner. I then added two tablespoons of dried cranberries. Dried cranberries are super, like sultana's. I like soups that are different, I like developing new creative ideas for new soups.

Today is the 8th day of the Chanukah miracle. it is the day of Maccabees, and it is to do with liberation of the holy temple. The chabad website offers us a recipe for 'Carrot-Almond Latkes'. and I really like the sound of that for Chanukah. So I shall make some of them next. I have some some ground almonds in the cupboard, so I shall use that instead of blanched almonds to grate. They will go well with the 'Watercress and Cranberry Soup'.


With the Carrot-Almond Latkes, I made up half the quantity of the recipe. However, I also put in a whole teaspoon of vanilla. 1 tablespoon of ground almonds. One large carrot grated. Then cooked in olive oil. The quantity made one large one and two smaller ones. 

They were delicious! 

As a sweet, you could also sprinkle squeezed orange or lemon over them. 

Will definitely have those again. 

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