
Monday 9 December 2013

Greenpeace Message

This video is from Greenpeace UK, and it is called 'An urgent message from Santa'. It reminds me of the message from the heavenly Father when he said 'Ice Caps 22'. [1] 

How many are seriously prepared for when the ice caps go? Some are predicting an 'ice age', although I keep on assuring them, that it will be the opposite. In the 90's, I also received some other prophecy and it included these words. 'Stay away from the coastlines for they will be taken by the sea'. 'Stay with your own, for some will think that you are aliens'. We were also warned not to go too close to the equator, because it will be too hot to live there. 

The prophecies received at that time were presented in 'Millenium Prophecy' lectures that I gave on the lecture circuit of Mind, Body, and Spirit shows. Many in the audience had also received dreams of flooding and what would happen to the UK. One lady had been given a dream whereby, England and Scotland was split into three Islands. Biblical prophecy from Prophet Isaiah also shares with us, that all of the Islands are at risk, and none of them are safe places to be.  

Yet, how many people listen? Do people honestly think that they are going to be able to carry on living their lives the way that they have? I have warned people over and over again, that 2012 was the end of the world as you have known it.

In 2011, a year after I was given the message from the heavenly Father about the ice caps, I was shown a prophecy from Nostradamus with the same number 22 in the quatrain number, and the prophecy is about the weather. 

C1. 22 
"That which will live without having any sense, 
its artifice will come to be fatally injured". 
For Autun, Chalon, Langres and the two Sens, 
hail and ice will cause much evil'. 

Chalon is a location in France to do with the Franciscan's and as we know the current pope took the name of St Francis. Langres is also in France, and it is known for its art treasure. The 'two Sens' is also a location in France, and the location is to do with the 'war of religions'. Baseball was first introduced at this location. [2] The biblical prophecies in the book of Revelation, also mention hail the weight of nearly 100lbs will come down upon humanity. As we know, France has traditionally been a Catholic country, and it was often at war with England. The whole prophecy appears to be about France, and when the ice caps go it will certainly impact heavily on France, as such, France is not a safe place to be. 

The prophecy mentions 'that which will live without having any sense, its artifice will come to be fatally injured'. An 'artifice', is a noun that is to do with behavior, and I had my first introduction to the nature of the some of the French. When a 16 year old French pen pal came to visit us when I was just 14 years old. She locked herself in the bedroom with dad.  

In more recent years, at a wedding anniversary, there was a sudden 'attack' from a French woman for no apparent reason. I just continued to sit there in my peace and serenity, I looked around at the guys that were sharing the dinner table with us. 

A friend  that had accompanied me that day, quickly defended me, and changed the subject to the weather of all things. So its funny that this Nostradamus prophecy is also about the weather. 

Then the woman stormed off and left the table, whatever she was planning to create did not happen because I did not respond in the way that she would've liked me to respond. Being calm in those situations, is the outcome of the power of healing the self. You can stay in your centre, when others are having a 'drama', or creating 'chaos' due to their 'artifice'. 

That same man had also been dating a French woman, and he quickly passed her on to someone else that we both knew. He very quickly saw through her and her 'artifice', that are described in the prophecy. So the French certainly have it coming in France, and the Catholic Church is strong on that soil. Although there has been a huge influx of Islamic immigration there. Its also a well known fact, that some people that live in France, have a very strong connection with the Vatican. There have been some interesting documentaries on it. 

The prophecy predicts that their 'behavior' will be 'fatally injured', because they live without any sense. David Cameron's government is planning to sell the British stake in the Eurostar and I had a dream of David Cameron going on the Eurostar to France. I did not realize at the time of the dream, that it meant that David was going to give Eurostar to the French. When it was built, it was a joint enterprise. 

Due to the prophecy about the ice caps it is probably a good idea to get rid of Eurostar. Who knows what will happen to the channel when the ice caps go? Edgar Cayce predicted that everything south of the Thames would go, and Nostradamus predicted that the 'deluge' would go as far up as the Olympic stadium. 

The prophecy finishes with 'Hail and Ice', will cause much evil'. There was also an American orthodox Christian that went by the avatar name of 'Ice'.  So keep an eye out for those two names. Why is it that the 'artifice', always seems to come from the Christian Churches? Nostradamus tells us why, 'they live without any sense'. It indicates that the Christian Church will be 'fatally injured' due to the behavior of its members, that 'live without any sense'. The Serco corporation is another example of that, the ex-CEO was a pentecostal.  As we know, JFK, the Catholic president of the USA, was also 'fatally injured', and Obama has a large scar on his head. 

There is a charity called 'Sense' in the UK, and it is for people who are 'deaf and blind'. [3] 

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