
Tuesday 10 December 2013

Save The Children Charity Charged

The 'Save the Children Charity', are charged in the divine court with the 'starvation of children'. Due to their investment of money into the corporations. Charitable donations given by the people for the children. In addition, the heavenly Father said that the 'Corporations create carnage wherever they go'. As such, the 'Save the Children Charity', has supported the 'carnage' with the donations of others.

Last week there were 'Save the Children' fundraisers on the streets asking people to make a weekly donation. My view has been that some of the larger global charities will disappear, and charity will become more localized. I once worked for an advertising agency that had the 'Save the Children', account. So I know for a fact, that the global charities spend a fortune of charitable donations on advertising and PR globally. In my youth, when I worked in London, I could never understand why London Advertising Agencies and PR companies made money from charities, and why they did not offer their services in a non-profit capacity. However, that is not the nature of big business is it? Helping others in a non-profitable way!

The BBC Panorama team report that the annual 'Comic Relief Fundraiser', that attracted millions from the people, was then invested in the corporations. It includes £630,000 in the 'arms firm BAE Systems', a 'military application.'  The team also found evidence that suggest that 'Save the Children censored criticism of energy firms to avoid upsetting corporate partners'.

This morning when I woke up, I was being shown all the humanitarian situations around the globe, then I was given the smell of curry and fruit. After that there was an RIP of an American man that had died due to cancer. While I was writing in response,  I saw a gold light on the left of me. The gold light was in a line like a comet, and it was small in size.

In 2012, Wikipedia share with us that the Pakistani government had requested that 'Save the Children's foreign staff leave the country.'. Source link mentions the 'vaccination campaign', that had been implemented by the CIA. It also mentions how the CIA have infiltrated the work of humanitarians for the use of intelligence gathering in the countries in which they work.

In January 2013, Deans of 12 of the top American schools wrote to Obama 'protesting the entanglement of intelligence in public health campaigns'. [2]

Did the LORD cover you in feathers 'Save the Children Charity? Will he save you? Do you deserved to be saved? As the LORD said 'Designer clothes will not save you'.

So no more red noses, no more comic relief, no more 'Save the Children', fundraisers on the streets.




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