
Sunday 8 December 2013

Gayle and David Cameron

I was in a venue, it was a pub, and full of people. Loads of people came in that I knew. They were the kind of people that one might see once a year, every Christmas. When they come out for their Christmas drink together. When they came into the pub, I was standing with a friends sister and she gave me some money to get a gin and tonic. Her name is Gail/Gayle, her British dad became a healer and her mother was born in India. 

My ex-husband Adam was amongst the drinkers that came in, and it was clear that they had been drinking a lot. The guys did not recognize me, its many years since we have seen each other. 

The pub was so full, squashed with people, that I went upstairs. Then when I was upstairs, it was like a different venue.  I was talking to Gayle, then David Cameron started talking to me. Gayle went back downstairs, clearly there was someone that she wished to speak to. 

While I was talking to David Cameron. I was righteous, and whatever he said, I came back at him. In the end he gave up trying to convince me that he was right. Then I went to get my gin and tonic, and went over to join some business people from my old social circle.  I asked them if it was OK to join them, then sat down and chatted with them. That was the end of the dream. 

Dream Interpretation 

In dream interpretation if you are given a tonic water, it indicates a fortunate omen for anyone that is connected with students or academia. A dream of others who are 'drunk', indicate that a loan will not be repaid, and it won't be important to the person that sees those people. Hence being drunk', can relate to finances, and we all know what that costs due to the taxes upon it. When people get 'drunk', it is often a sign that they have financial issues that they are concerned about.

Receiving money in a dream, is also a good omen, providing it was honestly come by, it signifies development of resources. 
Discussing politics in your dream signifies success. Hence at the end of the dream I was happy with the business people that welcomed me. 

The sister of a very close friend, her name was Gayle, and the name of a person is always important in a dream. Gayle was influential in the outcome being successful. The name Gayle is derived from the name Abigail. The name has Hebrew and Anglo-Saxon origins. It can mean 'Father is rejoicing', 'A Father's Joy', 'Cheerful', 'Joyful'. [1] 

Hence, the heavenly Father is rejoicing and very happy with his Lotus Feet. 

It is written that Abigail was King David's third wife, and she is described as 'good in discretion and beautiful in form'. She is very intelligent, and she is very beautiful. I have known her since my days when I was involved in antiques. In fact, I met Gayle, 30 years ago when I was pregnant with my son. That was before I met her sister, who has become a great buddy. 

With the tonic water we had the 'Gin', and the Gin is to do with the Juniper prophecy. 

The response to the dream by a person in the public domain was to post a Van Morrison song, 'Did Ye Get Healed'.

My response to the poster was as follows: Spiritual teachers of healing therapies become righteous. Righteousness delivers from death, due to us living in harmony with the spiritual law, and in alignment with the LORD and his divine will. 

Interesting that I have been invited to teach a healing therapy again in 2014. 2014, is a seven year and it is the life number of the spiritual teacher. In Hebrew it is the Zayin, the Jewish sages refer to the hebrew letter as the 'Woman of Valor'. However, in the ancient pictographs it looks like an agricultural implement that ploughs the soil to increase its nutrients. 2014 is also the Chinese Year of the Horse, so a good year for yours truly. 

In 2013, the orthodox Christians 'refused' the healing and healer offered to them for 'prostrate cancer.' Isaiah 8.

The orthodox Christians do not accept the righteous spiritual teachers of healing therapies. Hence, judgement is upon them, for 'rejecting' the will of the LORD and his righteousness, trustful loyalty in faithfulness to lovingkindness.

When the orthodox Christians said that they would not support or accept the healer sent to help them by the LORD. I said, fine, I have done what the LORD asked me to do, now I dust off my feet. Another biblical prophecy fulfilled.

However, the Buddhists are open to receive the Christos, and so it is that they shall be defended 
with the shield of faithfulness as ordained. The Bodhisattva of compassion and mercy, where 
the journey began with Israel. The honorable 'Love Ambassador', 'Radical Sage' (USA, 2004).  
Also honored as a 'Universal Peace Ambassador', by her peers. (Geneva, 2006 ). In the TAO, there comes a time when the sage comes out of retirement, when humanity requires it most. 

The Buddhist mystic, scholar and activist Thich Nhat Hanh so rightly said,  "When you are a truly happy Christian, you are also a Buddhist. And vice versa". Right on brother, Christos! 

The Buddhist mystic brought out a tape presentation, 'Living Buddha, Living Christ' for anyone that might be interested. 

Lotus Feet hears the sounds of the world. As the biblical prophecy predicts, 'Peace (the root of the word peace is wholeness) will be their governor, and well-being will be their ruler. As blue as the cornflower, as bright as a sapphire, the flame of truth. Healing for the nations. 


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