
Sunday 17 November 2013


The LORD said 'Ilinois' so I went to a forum to see the latest news. Headlines, a major tornado has hit Washington, Ilinois. It is written that a Tor con is a 9, and the numeric of nine is the number of completion. I can assure you that it brings me no pleasure to have to share this testimony.

Its certainly judgement upon Washington and Illinois, $500,000 homes completely gone.

Earlier this evening, I read about the sentence of Jeremy Hammond, and there is always repercussions if they imprison one of our blessed ones. [1] Yesterday, that same news outlet banned me for sharing the truth, about the 'Bloodthirsty' that have stood against 'Integrity' and those of us that are 'Upright'. They deleted the thread post and now the USA has a Tor con. 'Human rules' -v- Divine Court. Well it looks like the divine court brought on a tor con, enough is enough.

The 17th of November was the 'Day of Bridge'.

Testimony of warning. 

People, Christians in Illinois were advised for years to leave Illinois.
 The warnings began softly, they became louder and louder each year, as it grew closer to the time of judgment coming. I even did mandala painting to send to them to defend them. However, they did not wish to accept. 

Did they share the warning with others in that location? 

The truth was unattractive to their eyes and ears, and where they were coming from. 

They started going on about the children's schools, colleges, clubs, friends etc. 

I said to them 'What are you going to do, wait until your children are dead?'. 

We didn't speak again after that. They were taken off my radar. 

They couldn't accept the warning that was given to help them and their community, and I shared with the American Christians that I could not grieve for them and America anymore. 

I did what I could in the name of the LORD to help the people in America. 

From alpha to omega. 

My conscience is clear.

As the LORD said 'ELOKIM'. 


1 comment:

  1. The LORD took my eye to the fact that, 'Serco has a contract with the City of Chicago, Illinois to enforce parking meter regulations'.
