
Monday 18 November 2013


I am posting this message and dream because it does point to a recent event that has happened in the USA on the 17th November, 2013. I post it has it was posted in the public domain so that you can see that when I am looking at a dream, I am looking at in on all levels, and realities that it can pertain to.

We will start at the beginning.

15th November, 2013. 'Day of Encounter'. 

Message received when waking. 

'Deep Fat',

'Degradation of the food chain',


Then my attention was taken to a man that has just passed on in the CT community, Omega. The message was then followed up with these links:

As we know there are different types of ‘Fillets’.

The following links were posted.

Mechanical Engineering including auto. (look at the graphics)

This was written on the day of receipt, the 16th. That was the ‘Day of Authority’.


When I woke up, I was with two other women in a large place. It was like a large unit. I went there with two other women, there was a car in that place. One of the women looked like she was part oriental and she got into the car. Then something happened suddenly, like something had happened to the woman.

My friend touched her body and she was lifeless, my friend said 'She is dead' and walked off. I didn't go with her, I immediately examined the body of the woman. The first thing I did was feel her pulse. She was alive and I said 'She is alive'. Then the vision dream ended.

On a conscious level, the moral of it, the dream imparts to me about those that judge by appearances and those that do not. Those that are willing to go further than others. Like going that extra mile to save the lives of others.

It is often the case that during times of bereavement, one can experience dreams of death or people dying. However, it does not always mean, what you think it means in dream interpretation. In a large place like a hanger, there was a vehicle, and a lady in it. So what was in that vehicle, and what made her pass out like that to the point of being motionless? Why did she even get in the car? Three different women, three different realities. As I have said before, never give up in trying to help others, that cannot help themselves.

This is a dream of importance and it is about life on this planet.

The importance of having your eyes open.

'Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.' Psalm 119:18

The more light that you become, the more light that you can see. Your eyes become like a spiritual magnifying glass. You can then see things that you never saw before. Aspects that your eyes glossed over before, suddenly come alive for you. The bible is like that. On first appearances it is just an ancient text like many others. However, if you have the eyes of a spiritual magnifying glass you can see beyond appearances.

It really is only for those that are ready to comprehend it. It is a spiritual text about life, spiritual and otherwise. It is about life experience that includes many legends of people like Omega. Some could see beyond appearances into his heart of intention. In the Proverbs, Steve (Omega) is the 'ROCK' and Proverbs 30 shares with us that there was something on that rock, whether that was in his home, or whether that was in his internet community, is for his close friends and family to know.

I know, my elohiym, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity. All these things I have given willingly and with honest intent. And now I have seen with joy how willingly your people who are here have given to you. 1 Chronicles 29:17

'Righteousness guards the person of integrity.' Proverbs 13:6


A person then responds and tells me that the car featured in the dream, is about my physical frame.

My response to the anonymous person is as follows:

My physical frame is not oriental, nor do I have a car from the orient.

My current car is French, and my French grandfather was also very small for a man. So are most of his side of the family that remain. They look like Romany gypsies. A member of the family won a world boxing championship. The family still have his belt. However, the dream is not about a 'frame', it is about the moral of the story. Also in the biblical prophecies a choice was given, three women. Only one of the three women was chosen. The one that could go the extra mile to save a life.

The woman that said that she was 'dead', will end her life has she chooses it. The woman that got into the 'car', will be saved by a righteous person that feels, and takes action to help a person that is less fortunate.

In dream interpretation, the event can also signify, there is action that can benefit the whole community.

The car wasn't my car, and it was big, it looked American.

In dream interpretation you have to look at all aspects of the dream, and take it all into account.

The meaning of a dream involving an automobile, depends very much on its aspect. If the car was merely a means of transport, it has, in itself, no particular significance to the dream. Other details of the dream have to be considered carefully.

Its important to note the most important aspects of the dream. Which were the actions of the three different women, and its result e.g. outcome that impacted on the life of another. Hence, the moral of the dream, was a story to impart to help the community to take action.

The woman got in the car to prove a point, to benefit everyone. She knew that by getting in the car, she would know who was true. Like when Solomon had to make a decision between two women that was claiming the same baby. Solomon knew who was true by the response of the woman to the baby. That's how he knew whose baby it was. No surprise then that there has been a birth of a baby in our community around the recent solar eclipse.

So when the oriental woman got in the American car, what took place? It impacted on her to benefit humanity, so that they could see the difference between three different women and how they respond to life experience.

Then an American Christian says that when she read about the dream; she felt it was to do with the impact of the USA on an Asian country that would have a deadly impact.

My response to ‘Mysteries’ was as follows:

Yes, I feel that you are on the right track with that and we all know what happened with Vietnam. Is there any American Chinese car manufacturing in the USA? For as the LORD said 'Trade Winds'.

The car was a large American one. Another aspect of the dream is that my friend in the dream that walked away, really likes the USA. The woman that said 'She is dead', is an atheist.

Oriental women are completely different to most American woman, they are also completely different to the Brits.

However, this was two English women, with an oriental, in what was clearly the USA.

The USA is like a 'death sentence' for 'orientals'. They 'die' in its energy, until someone comes to help them.

Feeling the 'PULSE' was also an important aspect of the dream. And feeling the pulse is crucial in Chinese medicine. You have to feel the pulse of an oriental to help to save them. The pulse is also crucial in TIBETAN Medicine and Tibetan medicine has a lot to offer those that are interested in it.

Every country has its own vibration, every land is different. The energy of different people, require different help at different times. Different vibrational frequencies of the people, require different remedies at different phases of their lives. Everyone is unique.


They another person writes and asks me to choose my oriental soul instead of him. They still think that the dream is about me.

My response. 

I am the Spirit of him that embraces all nations and cultures and their divine right to be saved, if and when they allow it to come to be.

However, some people have chosen pre-destination to leave their own way. To help humanity to transform itself; to living in a better and more healthy way for the children of the world. Ecological, and self-sustainable health brings limitless potential.


In dream interpretation the 'PULSE' also has another meaning.

If you are taking the pulse of another, the PULSE signifies 'CAUTION'

with acquaintances when sharing information. In this song it is to do with caution in love.

So for instance, I allowed the other woman, 'the atheist' to come to her conclusion first. After that, a spiritual person that has worked with complimentary therapies and vibrational medicine; stepped up and forward to test the pulse of the woman to save the life.

Now one can also view that in terms of medicine. I allow the 'atheist medic' to come to their conclusions about the physical. I then step forward, and come to my own conclusions guided by the Spirit, and in so doing, I am able to save a life.

So, I have to put my life, and health as a priority, number 1. So that I am healthy enough physically to help others and all humanity should do the same.

UPDATE17th of November, 2013.  Internet hacker from Chicago sentenced. Tor Con [9?] in Washington, Illinois.  

Car Manufacturing 150 miles south of Chicago.

That relates to the message received on the 15th to do with the 'fillet', and also the dream to do with the 'oriental', 'car', 'death' and 'life' received on the 16th.  Car manufacturing with the oriental in America, also links us to the Mitsubishi manufacturing south of Chicago, Illinois. Mitsubishi is a Japanese multi-national.  Hence the oriental woman that I saw in the car in the dream was Japanese. 

So then I looked to see if I could find anything on the ‘DEEP FAT’ for Illinois due to the Tor Con 9 hitting, Washington, Illinois on the 17th. Two days after the first message was received, that links us to the location, that links us to the event. 

‘DEEP FAT’ for Illinois.

Do you know who in Illinois was involved in the
‘Degradation of the food chain”?

When you put in ‘Degradation of the Food Chain’ up comes Illinois University.

Another connection with the location. 


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