
Sunday 17 November 2013


Following on from the Jeremy Hammond case. [1] While I was reviewing the biblical prophecies, the words 'Human Rules' were seen, so let's do a post on that as well.

The Lord says "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. What they do is 'based on merely human rules they have been taught'. Isaiah 29:13. Jesus said 'Their teachings are merely human rules'. Matthew 15:9.

In Colossians 2:22 also speaks of the rules of men, 'These rules, which have to do with things that are all destined to perish with use, are based on merely human commands and teachings'.

As you can see those that live divinely like the wondrous woman from heaven, cannot and does not live by the rules of men.


The Lord is beyond them.

Freedom from human rules, since you died with Christ to the 'elemental spiritual forces, why as though you still belonged to the world do you submit to its rules?'. 2:20.



It mentions their 'harsh treatment of the body', and we know of those that treat their own bodies 'harshly', because they speak of others that are 'harsh'. So may they seek within themselves to find the ligaments and sinews of the head. May they comprehend anatomy, and learn about the body, and what they are doing to themselves by continually living in the 'rules of men'.

As Omega Steve said 'Omega out'. 

From alpha to omega. It is the end. Time is up indeed. 

Ride the comet Steve, ride the comet. 


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