
Sunday 17 November 2013

Jeremy Hammond USA

Jeremy Hammond is in the news today, another one of the Anonymous Group Hackers. [1] Hammond was from Chicago, and has been given a ten year prison sentence in the USA for his work on Stratfor. Work that was featured by journalists, alternative media, wikileaks, and the global truth movement.

In the biblical prophecies given by Jesus he warned what would happen in this timeframe and they would arrest his people. Of course, Hammond like others were and have been disclosing the truth that Jesus predicted would come into the light of day. He predicted that nothing would remain hidden, nothing that governments do can be concealed anymore. There is simply too many IT experts now in different nations. It is a new army of human rights activists that will just keep coming at the 'bloodthirsty' nations that stand against 'Integrity and being 'Upright'.

As I wrote yesterday, how many American presidents actually stood in integrity and was upright? As Native American, Russell Means shared with us 'America has been at war every year since America began'. Who would wish to live in such a nation with that kind of record and history? We are not talking about a few 'bloodthirsty' people. They have the largest military in the world, over 3 million people and their children still enlist. Millions of Americans have followed and supported those presidents for decades and Clinton admitted in 2010, that the USA is 'losing the information war'.

What America does and how it does it, is not hidden anymore, the truth has come into the light of day for all the world to see. No surprise then that it was two American Christians that were asking for my blood, and that they're 'willing to fight until the death'.  The USA doesn't seem to register the fact that everything they do backfires on them.


The LORD will not, and does not support the 'bloodthirsty'. Psalm 5:6, Psalm 26:9, Psalm 55:23.

Proverbs 29:10. 'The bloodthirsty hate a person of integrity, and seek to kill the upright'.

Isaiah 59 and 29 explains the timeframe very well. So does Isaiah 8. Isaiah 29 and 8 both mentions the children that keep on coming. It also reminds the people to listen to the testimony of warning, and what would happen if they do not pass the warning onto others. The Anonymous Group were warned, and they are fully aware of the consequences of their actions.

In 2011, I was given a vision of an eagle, five pointed star and the star of david. At that time the LORD said 'Be diligent', and the meaning of Jerusalem was explained based upon the excellent work of Jeff Benner, USA.  I have been blessed with many offerings from the people.

I comprehend the message from Anonymous, 'We are still here'.

In the Guardian article about Jeremy he mentions how an FBI informant known as 'Sabu' was feeding Jeremy with targets. It also mentions another hacker, Aaron Swartz that had been arrested, and it is written that he 'committed suicide' at the beginning of 2013. May he rest in peace.

Isaiah 29 mentions Jacob, Davids city, and Ariel. Ariel, it is written that Ariel means 'Lion of god'.

The proverbs also mention the Lion, who retreats before nothing. Michael mentioned by Daniel was a Leo with a Lion heart. Born in South Africa and lived in the USA. He was the one that stood by me, in the front line, the only one that openly supported me all the way, and what had to be done until 2010 when he passed over. He defended Israel and daughter Zion until the end.

However, Obama is also a Leo and he is mentioned in the book of Daniel and Rev 13 as the Leopard.

In other biblical texts Obama's followers also have faces like Leopards. No coincidence then that the 'Black Panthers' are American.

Proverbs 30 mentions the 'strutting rooster', and that was Andrew Breitbart who stood against Obama consistently.  He was born in the chinese year of the rooster. It also mentions a he-goat. The Prince of Greece mentioned by Prophet Daniel is a Capricorn. Hence an 'he-goat' an American born Greek that was living in Greece when I met him.

However, on checking the birth date of Jeremy Hammond, he is also a Capricorn, he-goat. This is a young man that became a peace activist and stood against the war in Iraq when he was a student. [3]

It also mentions the 'Eagle in the sky', and the 'snake on a rock'. We all know what happened to Omega who was a rock for many in the CT community and the global truth movement. So who was on that rock of Omega? Was it in his home, or in his internet community?

That is up to his closest supporters to know and decide. Omega Steve was a real Rocky, half Native American, a great musician and activist, a tiger with many patriot stripes, that flew like an eagle to clear the board of what he called 'dickweeds'. He was also a specialist in IT, and Obama is no match for a patriot tiger, the 'Red Dog.'  So who was it that 'betrayed' Omega Steve, like Jeremy Hammond says that he was 'betrayed'?

All of these men were involved in IT at some level of action.

As we know the book of Genesis predicted that when shiloh come the sceptre would leave Judah.

Ariel is the name of an angel, it denotes a man that indicates a city. It is written that Ariel is the '3rd archon of the winds', and the LORD spoke of the 'Trade Winds' that will clearly impact on the USA and its corporations.

Ariel is also an angel that assists Archangel Raphael in the 'cure of disease.' However, it was Archangel Michael that worked with me on cures over a decade ago. That work will be brought forward again, projects will be completed. However, the man that is 'Ariel' does have a book to write, and he knows that he does. He is clearly an air sign signified by the letters of the word.

One can view those that are 'bloodthirsty' having a 'disease' that makes them so, its in their own blood which is why they wished to spill mine. Ariel's origins are from the order of virtues. [2] Hence the connection painting is also divine providence at this time.


Isaiah 59 also mentions the covenant. 'My Spirit that is upon you, will not depart from you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will always be on your lips. On the lips of your children, and on the lips of their descendants - from this time on and forever, says the LORD.

Jeremy plans to use his time in jail productively, God willing he is given an early release date.

If only they would comprehend the importance of this timeframe, its prophecies and divine intervention.

Daughter Zion, daughter Jerusalem was sent to help the Sons of Light. Micah 4. Do they have the ears to hear, the eyes to see and the heart of embrace?

As the LORD said 'Be diligent'.


2. A Dictionary of Angels, Gustav Davidson


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