
Sunday 17 November 2013


Before I began to write this post, I had a sandwich. I didn't have any butter so I put coconut oil on the bread, then sliced mozzarella with tomato, toasted it under the grill.

On Monday the 11th of November 2013, I posted a painting for an American and the post was called 'Connections'. [1]

After that a spiritual woman asked me 'Why can they not see what we can see?'

Well Isaiah 29 gives her the response to that question, it mentions David's city, Jacob and Mount Zion. Isaiah 29 predicted that their 'eyes would be sealed, and their heads would be covered'. Many sons of Jacob live in the USA, and as we know the UN headquarters is in New York.

In my humble view,  Mount Zion applies to daughter Zion, Micah 4 = ELI ZIYYON, that was sent to the USA to help them.

29 is also the number of 'grace under pressure', and Isaiah 29 explains what happens when the nations stand against Mount Zion that is truly divine in the heaven.

In the last couple of days it has been shared with us that a legend in the global internet community has passed over. He is and was known as OMEGA. I cannot refer to this as an RIP because I know that he will not rest until he has had his say. So I have called this post the Omega Legend.

As faithful as a Fila was he


I didn't know Steve very well even in the internet community where he dwelled, he had his own crowd and friends. I was first sent into his reality in 2007, when I was compelled to post an article asking spiritual people in America not to do what they were planning to do e.g. 'Fire the Grid'.

In my heart of pure intention, I had their best interests in my heart, and Omega was like that. He never got in my way, and I never got in his way of doing things. He knew his people well, and I was there for a different purpose. Divine intervention.

Omega was a man's man, and a real character, that made an impression on everyone that had the pleasure to experience his humor, talent and skills. He knew how to crack the whip, and he became an excellent moderator that was respected by most for his 'no nonsense' stance. Skilled in IT, loved animals, and his style of ranch and ranching. He taught gardening tips to many, encouraged people to get off the grid and grow their own food.

Steve's beloved sister, shared with us that he was also a brilliant musician, that taught her to play when she was just a little child. He loved rock music, and she told us how he played flamenco music in an awesome way. This man was very talented in amazing ways. I just loved his sense of humor. He was a man that was as large as life in so many ways. As we say in England, 'the life and soul of the party'.

A close friend shared with us that he was half Native American, and that could explain his bodily susceptibility to alcohol. It can impact more on some people than it does others. So it was an uphill struggle for Steve to hold the vision that was in his heart. He also had some other health issues as well. Yet, I never ever saw him complain about any of them. Of course not, he was a man's man, they don't complain, they get on with it.



There was a breakaway from the place where I first saw his name. After he and others left, I was taken to a few other places prior to joining Omega's new reality that he co-founded with a Dutch guy. The two of them together, provided a reasonable space for the 'outcasts' to congregate, and be together, in their sharing of truth. In that location there are people from all walks of life, backgrounds and ages. From scientists, to engineers, from students to actors, writers, ecologists, healers, you name it, its got it.

He co-founded a community that brought together so many different personalities and characters, it became a very large extended family that supported 100's from different nations. At times his iron fist was essential to keep order in the house, and Omega would sweep the board of what he called the 'dickweeds'. That always makes me smile, only a man's man would come up with that one.

He is well known in the CT community, and many have written about their respect for the man in different locations. He became a legend in his own life time, and he was only 54 years old when he passed over.  I feel sure that a friend of his could write a brilliant book about the legendary man that he was, and what he achieved in inspiring the global truth movement and his own family.

When he shared with us that he was getting married, I did not like the feeling I had about it. Although, I never shared my feeling with him, due to his joy of getting married. Sadly, my feeling was right, the marriage was over quickly, and the circumstances in which it ended caused an uproar. He was courageous enough to take it like a man, I could not condone what happened. However, I knew in my heart that Omega wasn't a well man, because what ended his marriage can often happen when a person's body is out of sync. That is why, I and others stepped forward to defend him, at a time when compassionate action and mercy was essential.

We did our utmost to follow divine guidance, and balance empathy with a critical perspective.

My heart went out to him because I knew how much he loved, and for him, the outcome was neither pleasant or happy for either party.  His friends have written how he had many sleepless nights over what happened. Omega did have a heart of conscience and many were aware that he did. What transpired after that, meant he resigned from being a moderator at the place that he founded, and then once again, we didn't see much of him. I noticed that his last post on his own thread was on the 31st October, 2013. His advice to his friends was to concentrate on the events that were happening in the USA, and that he was now out.

The news of his passing 'stunned' most members of his community, and that is also mentioned in Isaiah 29. My response was to write a poem for him to lighten it up with some humor about his life.

The very next day I woke up to this message. 'Deep Fat', 'Degradation of the food chain', 'Fillet'. Then my attention was taken immediately to Omega. I thought, here we are, back to work already. Since then, author shared with us that he had left some seeds, and the response given was there is a message in the names of the seeds.

Last night I painted, it looks like the head of dog, a red dog. He loved dogs and his penny. The red dog is his sign, and some will come to recognize it when they see it. I know in my heart that he will communicate with those that he can. He hasn't finished saying what he wishes to say.

His light of hope went out, it was the end of the wax, everything going up in smoke in America, like a smoke signal for the community. However, what a way to go, Popes go out on a solar eclipse, well we had baby WILL arriving with the solar eclipse and the comet ISON, Omega leaves on a comet. Who can top that man? Now he really does have the moon under his feet, the Vatican and its telescopes. You can be sure, that he will have a rowdy time when he meets up with the crowd over the other side.

Eventually he will join the ancestors, and guide many to integrate self-discipline. They will celebrate his life, this is not the end, its a new beginning. Those that have the courage, will hold the vision of their rocky with the eye of a tiger. Obama was no match for Omega, cos Omega had the stripes of a tiger.

An American Patriot that shared the unattractive truth with those that felt challenged by it.

From Alpha to Omega. Salutation on high.

May his sister, mum, close friends, and family be comforted at this time.

As Isaiah 29 predicts, the Lord will astound them with wonder upon wonder.



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