
Wednesday 13 November 2013


Last night, I felt a tremendous surge of incredible positive energy, it was being sent into my
direction from all around the world. The LORD then said 'Christos'.

When you look into the 'antiquity of Christos' it brings forth some very interesting aspects
and I have provided you with a link for your viewing. [1] There were a few things that
pinged out for me while looking at the link.

1. When Homer used the word 'Chriso' it referred to the rubbing of oil on the body after
bathing. [1]

It was after I had sent out the information on the 'Tinnitus Healing Project', and had written
to others from my heart, that the above happened. First the energy and then the LORD

2. There was an ancient prophecy that predicted that when the Spirit of Truth came upon
the earth the golden age would begin. [1] Well the golden age began in November 2003
during the Harmonic Concordance. As I shared with spiritual people at the time, it was the
first day of the golden age, the 21st century was also born in wisdom.

3. In 350BC, Plato also spoke of 'Chrestos', 'chrestos ei hoti hegei' and it is translated as 
'you are an excellent fellow to think'. Hence in Greek spirituality and philosophy, it was 
about the quality of the standard. The high standard of excellence. 

Jesus would have known the prophecy about how the standard would be raised in the last
days of the end times. If you embrace scripture as accurate of what Jesus actually said, 
then it is clear that is why he would not accept it for himself, when others spoke of him in 
that way. He was fully aware that in the last days, they would be shown new spiritual paths 
that they had not known before. 

He also told his followers that they would do greater things than he. Although they would 
still be equal with him.

4. The word 'Chrestos' was found on nearly all of the epitaphs of the ancient Larissians, [1] 
and a person with the name 'Larissa' contacted me in the last few days for the first time. 

More synchronicity.

Today, I wrote about 'Wheels within Wheels - Bow Roundabout' due to what is happening
in Bow in East London. Another cyclist has collided with a truck. [3] Last night, I wrote to 
a lady abroad, sharing with her that I had been shown a vehicle, a 'machine', I also gave her 
three letters that means the 'moon'.

Nostradamus predicted that the 'moon' would only reign for 20 years, and when the sun was 
tired, there would be a new reign that would last 7,000 years.

In 2011, the LORD said 'Be Diligent'. That post mentions some visions that I received at that 
time as well. It mentions the eagle, the five pointed star, the star of david, and the meaning of 
Jerusalem that includes the flowing of the water, that was also mentioned in the 'Tinnitus 
Healing Project' post. [2]

So I took a deeper look at the word 'Diligent' today, 'Diligence' is one of the seven heavenly 
virtues. It can be found across the board of spiritual philosophy, and that which is serious, 
real spiritual people embrace naturally as I have done.

To live a dharmic life in harmony with the spiritual law and the Creator, one must live with 
right intention and diligence, with concerted effort for the well-being of others. 

That includes our planet and all of its inhabitants. The diligence of true faithfulness brings 
spiritual success. Of course, people measure success in different ways, based upon their 

Even amongst spiritual people, if you do a value chart with them, you can find that their 
values can be worlds apart, due to where they are in their spiritual evolution. Yet a little 
child will often have the values of a highly spiritually aware person. 

So it is up to the people to comprehend, what they allow to get in the way of creating true 
freedom and peace on the planet. Is it material aspects? Relationships, siblings, do they 
require healing? 

What is standing in your way? What does it take to pick up a grain? What does it take to 
pick up a single seed, do you know? Only a hand can pick up a small seed, water it, and 
allow it to bask in the sunshine of love so that it can grow diligently.

If children grow up with parents that are diligent in faithfulness, they naturally become 
so. Hence, the work ethic was always a powerful aspect of my life. In employment,
some people referred to me as a perfectionist. When they lived with me, they knew me
differently, and how much more relaxed I was about life and living it.

Effort shines for all to see. A little light grows into awesomeness, that can light up the whole 
world with its sincere loving intentions.

These sacred words that Jesus once spoke to me are ringing in my ears. They were shared 
with the world at the time of receipt and published years later.

'You are the light of the world, the flame of love that purifies whatever stands in the way 
of complete oneness with God'.

In the picture of 'diligence' on wikipedia, she has some spurs in her right hand, and what 
looks like a whip in her left hand. Clearly, the artist was painting a picture of a woman 
that could ride a horse.

Never once did I ever use a whip on a horse. So maybe the artist was imparting that a 
diligent person is a teacher of horses. Teacher training and taming. Imparting the importance 
of discipline to the spiritual journey and life itself. 

A horse cannot be ridden unless it has been tamed, if the horse cannot be ridden, then the 
soul cannot ride it into the direction that it is meant to go. Hence, self-discipline in the lives 
of the people, is essential to the progress of humanity, its social evolution and true justice 
coming to fruition for the nations.





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