
Tuesday 12 November 2013


I was about to make some suggestions for people that experience what the medical profession have termed 'Tinnitus'. As I was about to write about it in the public domain, I saw a bright white light at the side of my right eye. The root cause of 'Tinnitus', is linked to the eyes and not the ears. Its also to do with the lymphatic drainage system in your body.

The eyes are related to the 'Meibomian Gland', and 'Lacrimal Gland'. Then we have the nervous system. The lacrimal nerve, Zygomatic nerve via communicating branch. In addition there is the blood supply. The larcrimal artery, derived from the ophthalmic artery supplies the lacrimal gland. Venous blood returns via the superior ophthalmic vein.

The Lymphatic System 

Is part of the circulatory system, comprising of a network of conduits called lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called the lymph. It is written that in Latin, 'Lympha', means 'Water goddess'. The adjective used for lymp-transporting system is 'lymphatic'. The adjective used for the tissues where lymphocytes are formed is 'lymphoid'. Lymphatic comes from the Latin word 'lymphaticus' and it means 'connected to water'. As we know the body requires water to flush out any 'toxins'. However, the body also requires massage for lymphatic drainage to ensure that it is working perfectly. As we know the body is also 70-80% water, and it does relate to memories that are beyond the genome.


Last week I was given the smell of oranges. So I made Orange, Carrot and Coriander soup. This recipe is on this blog. I am also eating oranges, and had a smoothie with Orange, Mango and Passion fruit. I am drinking coconut milk, and using coconut oil for cleaning my teeth. That is something else that I would ask of you, are your teeth in good order because the teeth impact on other systems in the body.

People who experience 'Tinnitus', must increase their intake of healing foods that have Vit A, B, and C. In addition, to Selenium rich foods like corn. So on Sunday I had corn fritters, I have also developed a Lotus Corn Soup. These recipes are on this blog. Foods rich in iodine have also been suggested and you can gain this from cheese, eggs, milk, soya sauce, natural salt, yoghurt etc. There is also a soya soup recipe on this blog. I like yoghurt on oats, with a little smoothie,  honey or coconut on the top.

Balsamic vinegar is also good and it can be eaten direct on a little bread, put directly on salads, or put into soups. Balsamic vinegar is biblical, and was divinely guided in the same that the oranges, and coconut was. In addition, Saffron is very good for the eyes. It can be taken as a flower essence, massage oil for massaging the body, and you can also put saffron in food or on salads.

Did Jesus put saffron on their eyes like a mud pack?

The other essential fruit for the eyes is plums. They can be eaten fresh or dried. My mother used to eat them dried a lot, due to her grandmother going 'blind' on her mothers side.  As we know the eyes are about what the people experience, how they view that experience, and what is viewed by the eyes. The mother of Sophia lived her life through two war torn eras. WW1 and WW2. Her first husband died under the wheels of a horse and carriage being driven. Her second husband and all of her sons but one, died in the war. Her pure eyes, simply could not look at it anymore.


Dr Brian Weiss (USA) also discovered that 'Cateracts' are to do with past life experiences. His daughter claims that her father was able to heal her 'cateracts' via past life regression therapy.

However, I will add that past life regression into altered states must only be done one-to-one for the permanent healing.

His daughter had been a male hermit in a past life, clearly a recluse. Others stood against the man in the Middle Ages, they said a lot about him, and set fire to his home. In the video she doesn't say who did it to her. However, in those times, it was the time of the 'Inquisitions', and what became known as the 'Witch Hunts', many people in Europe were 'murdered' by the Christian orthodox.

Millions of innocent natives, hermits, healers, and mystics in Europe died, that is why many of the Christian orthodox were eventually driven out of Europe. Many ended up in the USA. So no surprise that the daughter of Brian Weiss, chose to bring the memory back with her to help Americans to comprehend the importance of the healing journey in the reality of past lives.

There is a big difference between past life regression, and past life healing. While you are experiencing the past life the healer is recording what you are saying. The past life healer is trained to know what words and situations relate to what has to be healed. 

Past Life Energetics is one of the modules in Spiritual Psychology, and I did train a few people in this hybrid therapy. The origin of the word 'Psychology' means 'Study of the Soul', indeed. The study and healing of the soul consciousness that brings many memories with it, memories that are chosen by each person pre-destination. Not only to benefit themselves, their own spiritual journey, purification and potential. To help others to comprehend the healing process of purification of the memories, and its natural transcension and ascension.  

You have to be with the healing therapist, one-to-one, while you are in an altered state, to ensure that everything that is required to be healed, is healed self-sustainably. In my experience the physical is the last aspect to be healed. The remainder of the memories that are impacting on a cellular level. 

However, it is very important to note that current events can impact on your consciousness. Beyond the Genome, as Dr Ursula Anderson (USA) so rightly wrote that we have to put 'memories in context with the environment.'

I am fully aware of the impact of the police in this context, the impact that they had on my highly attuned being in January 2011. 

Reflexology is excellent for supporting your healing process, accessing any energetic 'blockages' in different systems of your body. It can also confirm what your body intuition, and divine guidance is telling you. So for instance the reflexologist picked up on the lymphatic system, sinus, and brain. I had received some unwelcome news that day. So she wasn't surprised at what she found when she was working on my feet. Remember Jesus also had his feet massaged, and his head. So Indian head massage and facials would also be good in addition to Reiki healing for this condition.

In my humble view, what the medical profession should be doing is giving people MRI scans immediately that 'Tinnitus' begins. I have had my thyroid checked, and all of my organs, they are all fine. Also lymphatic drainage massage is also essential, because it is to do with what the body is holding on to so that you can come to understand what is going on at a deep level.

While I was writing the above in the public domain, I could feel a slight pain on the shoulder wing, that informed me that something was clearing energetically. It had come out from under the shoulder wing, to on top of the shoulder wing. Then I could feel a line down the back of my head, that links with the right eye where I could then feel a little pain. My body is showing me the pathways that the energy is taking.

Then when I was writing about the appropriate therapies, including past life healing. I could feel a slight pain in the right shoulder = lymph nodes are to the right of it. When I massaged that area, I then felt a pain in the right hip, it then went to the lower back. All of the systems of the body are connected.

If anyone is concerned about their eyes, and 'Tinnitus' due to its links with 'Alzeimer's',  I also recommend 'Iridology', especially if you have worn glasses, or there is any history of wearing glasses, cateracts or alzeimers in the family heritage.  Don't leave it until the onset of a very serious condition due to the importance of the initiation of 'Eyes to Pure'. Come on, pass the initiation with flying colors, you can heal it.

Your astrological sign, birth chart, and the North Node of your soul journey will also give you indications on what your body is susceptible to, chosen by you predestination.




I recommend rubbing real gold on your eyes, a little lavender oil on your eyes, brow and sides of the head. I also recommend trying saffron mud packs on the eyes like Jesus used, if the eye condition or 'Tinnitus' is severe.

Rubbing real gold on the eyes did if for me while bathing, combined with a little lavender oil. Within 24 hours what had arrived on the right eye had gone down. Sometimes the old remedies are the best for many different conditions. However, people have to heal any condition in many different realities, as this post proves. I have healed my past lives, so I know that I am working with a different reality to help humanity to make a breakthrough.

I feel blessed that I have had gold in my mouth since the birth of my son. For 30 years there has been gold in my mouth and gold is to do with the will of God. My teeth began to crumble due to the Vit C that the baby was drawing from my body.

I was also viewing a relationship with his father that wasn't working out at that time; due to his issues that he had not sorted in the context of a previous relationship that had impacted upon him. He has passed over now, may he rest in peace.



A person in the public domain, wrote that medically, what was experienced is called an 'aneurysm'.

The response of the righteous entrusted one:

Oh the medics. They have lot coming their way. As the LORD said 'TRADE WINDS'. The golden celestial sledgehammer is being wielded in the power of the LORD. My will is aligned with his. His will and divine plan for righteousness. 

Now you do know what happens when 'LOT' arrives don't you? Do you remember what happened to his wife? What happened to the city that she did not wish to leave, when the angels advised her and her husband to do so? Interesting that in the last couple of days, there has been a couple of events in NYC in addition to other places in the USA. Where is the UN based? NYC. 


  1. Today's news, Scott Turner, director of the memory disorders programme at Georgetown University Medical Center, said: "The retina is an extension of the brain".

  2. I am still waiting for an appointment with the eye specialist. Today, I added Cod Liver Oil, as an extra supplement for the eyes.

  3. Healing sounds are the most effective, affordable and easy alternative to release pain and perilous diseases. Tinnitus healing sound formula is an alternative treatment with no side effects. Healtone's healing technology is one of the most advanced methods available today for dealing with diseases/disorders.

  4. I had forgotten all about it until you posted a comment in response to this post. Thank you for sharing. Diet etc appears to have solved a majority of it, and I have had an increase in coconut milk and coconut oil etc. Also gin and tonic is a good blood cleanser and a friend gave me some for Christmas and Birthday. I am sure that the reflexology treatments helped as well.

  5. Tinnitus is a condition where it appears to the person that their ears are emitting a high pitched ringing noise continuously. This can be either a temporary or a permanent condition. Tinnitus in pregnancy also have very adverse impact on birth of child and in severe case, can bring listening disorder to newly born child.

    . Is my pleasure to comment on this site and i thank the admin of this site for his/her great work so far. I really don’t know how to thank DR WILLIAMS for helping me get cured for over 20 year of suffering from a terrible tinnitus, my tinnitus started when i was 28 year i thought is going to end one day but even get worse as days went by,i have tried all western drugs prescribed by doctors but to no avail i lost total concentration, even at night i screams even more because the sounds become louder because everywhere is quiet. i came across DR WILLIAMS contact through a headline news on internet about how DR WILLIAMS have help so many people to get cured of tinnitus and so many other with similar body problem ,i contacted him and he told me how to get his herb,few day later he sent me the herbal portion which i take every morning for 21 days, and his medicine was able to restore me back to normal and now am very okay without any side effects whatsoever If you have Tinnitus, you can contact him on his email address for help

  7. Dr Williams,his medicine was extremely helpful to me. I have had tinnitus for 7 years now , and my doctor told me to have a tinnitus sugary . I am so glad I have found Dr Williams medicine (as I was surfing the net for a solution and saw a recommendation for it on a women's health forum early this year). I have felt so empowered by the knowledge you have given me and I quickly self diagnosed the individual cause of my tinnitus and armed with your clear instructions, I was finally able to beat this monster, in less than 4 weeks of using dr Williams medication. 9 weeks before the tinnitus surgery was due, I asked for a scan and it was clear that my tinnitus were gone,you can also email him on for help.

    Thank you, thank you , thank you. dr williams "
