
Monday 11 November 2013


Last night I was blessed to cook for my son. I did not have all of the ingredients that I required, so I was creative in making the dishes that he likes. He said that the Lotus Prawn Pathia and Chicken Sate was awesome. I will try to remember the ingredients that I used, and share the recipes with you on a different post. I made two dishes at the same time so there was a lot going on in the kitchen last night. While I was cooking my son had some Orange, Carrot, and Coriander soup, I had made some more and it was delicious.

I am trying to encourage my son to be more consciously aware of what he is putting into his body. To be more aware of the healing nutrients and how important they are to having a healthy consciousness.

You know what young men are like. I also asked him to drink some coconut milk, its so good for the body, and the body likes it very much.

The coconut came in very powerfully into my life in 2012, and I knew that when the coconut came in, it was to do with healing to do with the Caribbean. A friend asked 'What shall I bring you?'. I replied, 'Coconut'. I have cooked with coconut for most of my life. However, she brought me a real coconut, and I was overjoyed. Although it was never opened, it still sits in the kitchen, to remind me of the healing power of the coconut.

A friend in Holland also sent me some 'Coconut Oil', for washing my teeth with it a couple of weeks ago.  It feels so smooth and soft on the teeth. Truly wonderful, it feels heavenly. A real blessing in my life, just like the person that sent it.

After we ate last night, I spoke to a man on the internet about his 'relationship issues', he shared the year of his birth, so that I could share with him what North Node his soul journey is in. He is a Gemini-Cancer Cusp sun sign, I also asked him what his ascendent sign is due to the impact that has after the age of 40. His North-Node is also in Gemini, and author Jan Spiller shares with us that Gemini North Node have had many past lives as a Sadhu, this lifetime, his soul journey is to teach and to write.

The fact that the man has been a Sadhu and as such strong Gemini in his chart is just one of the reasons that I comprehend him so much. Due to my own 'moon sign' being in Gemini, the communicator. Gemini's love to connect, they're a people person. So the public domain suits them very well, they simply have to express themselves.

They cannot hold all that they know within themselves; due to all of the wonderful spiritual past lives that they have lived. However, it is also important that they express their communication in a creative, and fresh way, otherwise they get can 'bored', very easily.

The Gemini is like a butterfly of transformation, they are fast in their communication and functionality, and they can flit from subject to subject with ease, without even stopping to take a breath. They process everything very fast, and they can become 'impatient', if others don't keep up with their speed of evolution. Hence, patience of a saint has been an important integration phase for Gemini North Nodes. For through the integration of the 'patience of a saint', the Gemini then comes into his/her own, with the ability to communicate in a charismatic way that can impact on the target audience in a positive way.

Listening is a major aspect for these people, really stopping and listening, its crucial to the comprehension of the keys of the kingdom for healing consciousness. Spiritual Gemini's that have had the ability and skills to run their businesses successfully, usually integrate the listening skills required. In service to their clients, they are enabled with their spiritual journey.

By the time people catch up them, and what they were saying, the Gemini has already moved on, and is talking about something else. A different experience and reality. They do make me smile, for they remind me so much of myself when I was younger.  All the Air signs have a lot in common, a great understanding and connection with each other. They know how to fly through the heavens when they are allowed to do so. Even better when they can do so with compatible partners. Gemini's love company, and an audience, even if that is only with their live in partner. They are ideally suited for stage work, and the lecture circuit.

The Gemini man can wear out the ears of a woman, to the point where a woman can simply switch off from listening to them. They can be 'incessant' talkers, until they truly find the peace within themselves.

A resplendent peace that can only come with the healing that is required for every sign. A Gemini can settle down eventually.  However, their souls have to be allowed to be free, they cannot be contained by anyone. They're always stretching, and reaching out for the new, they cannot stand still in one place for long. For they love to travel and experience different cultures and languages. These people are not content to just read about it, they have to experience it, and soak it all up like a sponge that comes out of the oceans. They have to feel it, touch it, smell it, eat it, listen to it, hear it, and walk upon its lands.

The healing song for the Gemini North Node is thus:

Between You and Me 

Between you and me there's a memory of trusting.
And being let down at the end.
Between you and me where there is misunderstanding,
ready to come up again.

Yet-Between you and me there's a magnet that draws us.
Between you and me there's a path and promise.
Between you and me are the feelings that bond us.
Between you and me there is Love!

It is a healing song to empower mutual understanding and genuine connection. Most likely past life. I have past life connections with many Gemini's both male and female.

What is important for this man at this point, now that he is 48. Is to do a value chart, so that he can comprehend more fully, what his own soul is trying to communicate with him, about his soul journey and where it is likely to take him forward. He has decisions to make, and he must make them sooner rather than later. He cannot spend the next four years, the way that he has spent the last four years. The timeframe is crucial to ensure that he is in the right place at the right time.

He doesn't have much time to make a breakthrough, if spiritual people don't get on track with the divine plan of their soul by the age of 49, rarely do they do so afterwards.


In this painting I see the feathers of 'Red Feather' and that signifies a strong connection with the indigenous peoples. Within the soul is the shamanic healer,  the power of the turquoise energy of the natives that are defending the eco-system of the planet. I see four lines of fire that are defending the people, I see the pyramids and ancient cultures.

I see a dolphin of unconditional love behind the head of the 'RED EAGLE', pushing it forward. I see a bird in front of it saying this way, look this way. There is no choice, but to move forward with the divine plan. I see the soft azurite blue diamond shape, like a spaceship that is elevating the bird upwards to take him where he must go, to help the people, to manifest his real spiritual potential in helping others to manifest theirs.

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