
Sunday 10 November 2013

Corn Fritters for Children

Following on from the 'Lotus Corn Veggie Soup' in August. [1] We now have 'Corn Fritters' and they are great for children. This recipe came from mum's veggie recipe book.

I keep loose corn in the freezer, a £1 for a large bag from Iceland. However, you could use a large tin of corn instead, or the corn from a cob.

3 large tablespoons of flour, and mix in a mixed egg in the middle, add a little milk to make a smooth consistently that drips from the spoon. I used a large round soup dish to make the batter type mixture.

While you're preparing the mixture, you slightly boil the corn for about 3-5 minutes. Then add the drained corn to the mixture, stir it all around until all of the corn is covered. You can pepper and salt to taste, herbs, or whatever you fancy spice wise. Whatever, your body is asking for.

You then spoon out some of the mixture into a hot frying pan covered in olive oil, one at at time. A couple of large spoonfuls is enough.

When the top looks solid, and the underneath looks like it is browning, you can then turn it over to the over side and cook it.

Its important to flatten the corn fritters in the olive oil, so that they become big and roundish. The more flat they are, the quicker they cook.

These corn fritters made a nice change, and they were accompanied with garlic mushrooms with cheese on top, and tomato's covered in garlic butter with oregano mixed into the butter. Then grilled.

The corn fritters are very filling, and one was enough for me. The mixture makes up enough for four fritters. This is a very economical dish, and 'Corn Fritters' are ideal for hungry children.

You could serve them with salad and coleslaw, to encourage the children to eat in a healthy way.

So be creative with your corn fritters. You can also eat them cold with salad as well. Or just as a snack. For adults you could also add chopped olives, or anything else that you like. So work with them and see what suits you.

Design your own corn fritter for good health.

I was pondering on what painting could go with this, and the LORD said 'Cool Chick'.


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