
Sunday 3 November 2013


Following on from the 'Dear Death' post. [1] What else is being revealed to us?

'Death reigned from the time of Adam, to the time of Moses'. Romans 5.14. My ex-husband Adam was born two years after yours truly. He was born in 1956. As shared with you, it was six months into the marriage when I was diagnosed with cancerous cells and the treatment began. In the prophecies of Isaiah it was predicted that the Sovereign LORD would swallow up death forever. Isaiah 25:7. 1 Corinthians 15:54.

No surprise then that a girl with a surname of 'de'ath' had been instrumental in the early life of Adam, prior to me knowing him. When Adam first brought me home to meet his Christian mother, who sang of daughter Zion in a local choir, I was introduced to de'ath'.

The bible says, 'righteousness delivers from death'. Proverbs 11:4. As we know 'time of Moses', is to do with a timeframe, and it can apply to the prophecies that Moses gave about the one that would be blessed with the precious dew from heaven.

In Corinthians 2, it speaks of two different aromas, one is an aroma that brings death, to the other the aroma that brought life. Those that are truly sent from God speak in all sincerity. The sincerity of the heart. Endings and new beginnings, in this forthcoming hybrid 'TIME FRAME' solar eclipse. 


While I was looking at all of this I came across a '1, 000 year Curse of Turan', it is written that it originated when King Stephen 1 of Hungary 'imposed' Christianity upon his people. Then the people 'cursed', Christianity and Hungary due to what was taking place on their land. The people of Hungary take it seriously, due to it experiencing the 6th highest rate of 'suicide.'

 Their people also have the third shortest life expectancy in Europe, outside of the previous USSR countries. Of course, WW2, and Communism would've had a large impact on their nation as well, as far as 'cancer' and 'suicide' rates are concerned, due to the past life connection between them.  [1]

Recently there has been a case in the British media where a model that became well known in the UK, was murdered in Hungary at her animal sanctuary, that had been funded by Yoko Ono. Is it a coincidence that her name was EVA? 65 year old, Eva Rhodes was murdered in September 2008. [3]

In addition, an Hungarian wingsuit plunged to his death in the Tianmen Mountain Park in China. [4]

Interesting that it is written that the way to break a 'curse', is to bathe in salt, and a blessed one in Holland sent me some salt from the Himalayas last week. Salt was also used in purification rites in Ancient Judaism. Prior to being sent to Israel in 2007, I was instructed to salt the Lion's Gateway in East Jerusalem. An Israeli musician and I did the work there together in English and Hebrew.

Prophet Malachi also spoke about what would happen if the people did not turn their hearts to the children in this timeline; due to what humanity has been co-creating for itself.

'Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest'. Isaiah 57:2 'I will deliver this people from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death. Where, O death, are your plagues Where, O grave, is your destruction? Hosea 13:14 

When your life is governed by Spirit then your life is peace; and there isn't a soul that can take you away from that resplendent peace, that you feel within yourself. Due to the sheer intensity of its pure light of love. May the Spirit of the LORD be your refuge Hungary. May your souls ascend with healing rays, may the salt of purification be felt at your feet, may the love of the children inspire and compel your hearts to walk uprightly in all that you do. May you walk in the spiritual freedom of righteousness that heals you, and the everlasting covenant that was delivered for the children in 2007. 

May your children be raised up in all goodness and integrity. May your land be purified and cleansed due to what 'death' and 'bloodshed' did to it. May you walk with us hand in hand, side by side, in the true line of loving kindness, in mercy and faithfulness. 

May you always remain in our hearts with your children, so that they may comprehend what is taking place here. For it is the transformation of the nations, and the 'covenant with death is annulled' in this timeframe. 

Adam did experience two different aroma's from two different women. I know what I was wearing most of the time, Miss Dior. However, in the winter time when I met 'de'ath', I was wearing what is known as 'winter white', fur coat and boots. The aroma that I would have been wearing at that time was Hermes, 'Caleche', and that links in with the dream that I had about buying some Caleche from a charity shop after Christmas. Of course, Hermes is to do with the winged messenger. 






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