
Sunday 3 November 2013

Righteousness Delivers From Death

In Corinthians 2, it speaks of two different aromas, one is an aroma that brings death, to the other the aroma that brings life. Those that are truly sent from God speak in all sincerity. The sincerity of the heart. Endings and new beginnings, in this forthcoming hybrid 'TIME FRAME' solar eclipse. 

'Death reigned from the time of Adam, to the time of Moses'. Romans 5.14. 

Adam was born in 1956. 

The bible says, 'righteousness delivers from death'. Proverbs 11:4. As we know 'time of Moses', is to do with a timeframe, and it can apply to the prophecies that Moses gave about the one that would be blessed with the precious dew from heaven. Yours truly! 

Adam did experience two different aroma's from two different women in the same space.  In the winter time when I was introduced to 'de'ath', I was wearing what is known as 'winter white', fur coat and boots. The aroma that I would have been wearing in the winter time was Hermes, 'Caleche', and that links in with the dream that I had about buying some Caleche from a charity shop after Christmas. 

You may remember that in that dream the bottle wasn't full. However, my friend Barbara and I decided it was worth the cost. Of course, Hermes is to do with the winged messenger, you can see the blog post on the old blog. 

So have there been two different aroma's in the life of the one that you married, or in your relationships? Two different aroma's that are symbolic of two different types of people.
 Adam chose and married the 'wife of noble character' that is predicted in the prophecies. Wisdom more precious than rubies.

The RAB, the Son of Joseph predicted that if his daughter moved to the country with her husband Adam, then the marriage would finish. Adam carried on working in London, and commuted to London. However, when we moved into our house, he kept on coming home later and later, and more and more 'drunk'. 

Bear in mind, that the wife of noble character had experienced two years of her newly wed marriage having laser treatment for cancerous cells. She was still in recovery from the ordeal that had been experienced. Adam, wasn't coming straight home from work to be with her.  

This is about DEATH -v- LIFE. This is about those that bring 'DEATH', versus those that bring 'LIFE'. What does 'DEATH' do for a living, do you know? She is an 'ECONOMIST', who lectures on it in London. Are you ready to listen yet?  

What happened to the best man at our wedding, after the wedding?

He was mowed down by a police car, age 27.

The 'Economist' was also involved in the life of a different man. I heard the other week from one of his friends that there was a sudden 'death', in his family. His Son. That took place prior to me meeting him.

'Righteousness delivers from death'. Proverbs 11:4. That is very true, 'The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and the one who is wise saves lives." Proverbs 11:30 



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