
Saturday 2 November 2013

Dear Death

The heavenly Father said 'Dear Death',  I then went to bathe and rest afterwards. While I was giving myself healing, I saw an orthodox Rabbi in Jerusalem, with his back to the wall, he was looking at me, he looked happy. There is a song called 'Dear Death', and it is about 'cancer'.

As I shared with a friend recently, it is a 'fear based' disease. However, in my own case, it was also past life due to what happened to me in the concentration camp.  I had to forgive this lifetime what others had done in this lifetime and in previous ones.

Sometimes in your life, you can come so close to death's door, the 'valley of death', can be met many times in your life, and the life of others. I have found during my life, that those that have had experience of the afterlife and life after death, are not afraid of death, and nor am I. My mother taught her children to face death with a smile, and celebrate that the person is now out of any pain that they may have suffered during their life. 

A person can meet it in so many different ways of their life, on many different levels of consciousness. From what others have done to you, and what people co-create for themselves. If people can manage to work through the death of loved ones, in a graceful way, then it is much more healthy for them. If they can be graceful in their bereavement, yet not suppress what they feel or have been through, life can be joyful again. 

If people can work through what they feel, in a positive, spiritual and healing way, victory can be theirs. Not only in situations to do with health, but also in relationships, business and all sorts of realities. What  is precious to humanity can be taken away many times, until humanity appreciate what is truly precious in a divine way. When people truly value what is precious, then they feel totally and completely blessed. Children are precious to me, the life of each of them. They are the supreme joy of human life. 

More children recover from cancer, than adults due to how positive and brave they are. They're also not carrying what many people carry during their lives. So dear death, you have no power over my children. 

In the song of the 'Dear Hunter' they sing that we die alone, is that true? When the RAB passed over, his wife and children were by his side, holding him. As his soul began to leave his body, the sun shone through the bedroom window, and the Church bells rang at that very moment. We knew that we were blessed with him. The Son of Joseph was not alone, he was, and is still truly loved in our hearts. Isaiah 53:9 speaks of where he was buried in Finchley, North London. 

There is an interesting verse that 'death reigned from the time of Adam, to the time of Moses'. Romans 5:14 So death reigned from the time that I met Adam and married him. It was six months into the marriage when I was diagnosed with cancerous cells. It was after that the laser treatment began. 

Unfortunately, due to circumstances the situation of the passing wasn't the same for my mother, she was in hospital at the time with the nurses. However, she did visit me in Spirit after her soul had left the body. It was a truly incredible experience, to hold her, and melt into unconditional love together. That memory of her will always remain in my heart. 

As the bible says, 'righteousness delivers from death.' Proverbs 11:4. 'The day of death is better than the day of birth'. Ecc 7:1. Prophet Isaiah spoke of how the Sovereign LORD would swallow up death forever. Isaiah 25:7. 1 Corinthians 15:54 

I certainly experienced that in 2012, and how he makes that possible through his pure healers that can purify the energies for them to be released. I didn't feel very well at the time of it. However, it soon cleared with some fresh air and water. Today, someone posted a mural from Denver airport, of a lady wrapped in a duck egg blue blanket with blond hair. I wish her all the love in the world. 

'Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest'. Isaiah 57:2 'I will deliver this people from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death. Where, O death, are your plagues Where, O grave, is your destruction? Hosea 13:14 

When your life is governed by Spirit then your life is peace; and there isn't a soul that can take you away from that resplendent peace, that you feel within yourself. Due to the sheer intensity of its pure light of love. 

In Corinthians 2, it speaks of two different aromas, one is an aroma that brings death, to the other the aroma that brought life. Those that are truly sent from God speak in all sincerity. The sincerity of the heart. Endings and new beginnings, in this forthcoming hybrid 'TIME FRAME' solar eclipse. 

May the LORD be your refuge of peace in this time frame. 



  1. Guatemalans attend a kite festival in Santiago Sacatepéquez to mark the Day of the Dead. Children and adults fly kites which hold messages to those who have passed away, on the day which Mayan tradition says the world between the dead and living mesh together. See link for video

  2. On the 2nd of November, SO reported that 'The Nightman 2281' had passed over. Aka as Jerome from the USA.

    R.I.P. Jerome

    In this video SO honor him.
