
Friday 22 November 2013

Divine Judgement upon China

As I posted again in recent days. I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. Joel 2:30


Now there is news of another oil pipeline explosion in China and 35 people have died. The report mentions the 'black billowing smoke'. 

You may remember the dream about the oriental woman that was lifeless and motionless. The atheist said 'she's dead', the spiritual woman said 'she's alive'. First comes the dead, then comes the alive. I am fully aware of what the Chinese have done to the spiritual in China, and their organs. You cannot harvest the organs of the spiritual without huge repercussions, and as I have already pointed out due to what governments have done to our IT people. There will be major repercussions. 

The news report about the oil pipeline in China, shares with us that around 28,000 people have been killed or went missing in workplace accidents in the first half of this year, state media reported. 28,000 people in six months is a huge amount of people. It is no wonder that divine judgement is upon China. They were also told to leave Tibet. 

China must turn its heart to the children, and live in harmony with universal cosmic law. If it doesn't, then it will be the end of China, just like it was the end of the USSR. Enough really is enough!

As the LORD said 'ELOKIM'.  


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