
Friday 22 November 2013

Cyclone Cleopatra Sardinia

On the 26th of October, 2010 I shared the Island prophecy delivered by Prophet Isaiah to warn the people that no Island is safe in this timeline. When the testimony of warning is delivered, few people are willing to share the unattractive truth with their friends, families and communities. [1]

In cosmic law, those people that were aware of what was going to happen, yet did not share it, or distribute it, are then held responsible in cosmic law if anyone dies due to their inaction.


On the 19th of November, 2013, there was news that the Cyclone Cleopatra had arrived on Sardinia. The north-eastern city of Olbia took the brunt of it, and that is no surprise when you comprehend that the mafia live there. Divine judgement upon Sardinia, and those that have kept the people in 'captivity'. [2] All nations were asked to turn their hearts to the children, and fulfill the divine requirements of the LORD for his holy ones. We are still waiting and watching for humanity to teshuvah, to do his will, for the LORD asked for mercy.

The book of Genesis predicted that the water would come, shiloh, and when she did the sceptre would leave Judah. Isaiah 8 also speaks of it and the testimony of warning for this timeframe. The recent solar eclipse was also the timeframe solar eclipse, and the advice was given that the combination of the recent lunar and solar eclipse would be very powerful for the next six months. All that happens is about the timeframe that was delivered in the prophecies. The Aquarian Age of the water carrier, the humanitarian. One can only hope that justice will be done, and that all of the Islands will be given the message that has been delivered in the name of the LORD.

Of course water is about the divine feminine, the water of life, its also to do with daughter Jerusalem mentioned in Micah 4 and Isaiah 62.

For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her vindication shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch. Isaiah 62:1 

"The place name Jerusalem (pronounced yerushalaim in Hebrew) is a combination of two words. The first is "yeru" meaning "flow". This word has several applications such as the flowing of water in a river, the throwing of something as being flowed out of the hand or as the flowing of a finger in the sense of pointing out the way one should go. This last use is the use in the name yerushalaim. The shalayim is from the word shalam meaning complete and whole (the word Shalom is also derived from shalam, while it is usually translated as peace it more means to be complete or whole). When these two words are put together they mean something like "pointing the way to completeness". Author, Jeff Benner. [3]

As the LORD said 'ELOKIM'. 




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