
Friday 22 November 2013


A member of the CT community has been saying 'No Christmas 2013', I added my support and 'Homeless people require homes'. SERCO is in the news today and there is a lot that people should be made aware of. Including what has been going on at 'The Union of Christmas Island'. Christmas Island is the name of a Detention Centre, it detains refugees that include 1,000 children.

SERCO is a contractor that is involved in many government sectors, both private and public, that includes the health of the British nation. It is also a contractor to the American government as well.

The company was founded in 1929, as a UK division of the Radio Corporation of America.

It is reported by Wikipedia that there have been 'deaths in custody', 'self-harm', and Serco staff 'beating prisoners'.

'In health services, Serco has provided 'poor handling of pathology labs and fatal errors in patient records'. At St Thomas' Hospital, the increase in the number of clinical incidents arising from Serco non-clinical management has resulted in patients receiving incorrect and infected blood, as well as patients suffering kidney damage due to Serco providing incorrect data used for medical calculations'.

The company has 'falsified 252 reports' to the NHS regarding services in Cornwall. In addition to a series of multi-billion pound 'frauds' in Britain. In September 2013, it was also 'accused' of extensive 'sexual abuse' cover-ups of immigrants at Yarls Wood prison in Bedfordshire, England. [1]

As the LORD said 'TAP ON WOOD'.

Serco is on the FTSE index and the celestial sledgehammer has certainly been felt by Jeremy Stafford and and CEO Christopher Hyman. [2] The scandals include charging taxpayers for electronic tags used on 'dead criminals'.

As I posted again in recent days. I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. Joel 2:30

No surprise then that a SERCO train in Manchester caught fire. 

About 150 passengers had to flee a train on to the tracks in Greater Manchester after it caught fire.

The Northern Rail service between Manchester and Leeds stopped in Clegg Hall in Wardle, Rochdale, after passengers reported smoke coming from beneath a carriage at 15:30 GMT.

Northern Rail is owned by SERCO. [3] 

So did Serco get the memo? How about those that invested in Serco? Who put the health of our nation in the hands of the USA? Who awarded Serco the contracts? Look to your own government that you pay for. So you may well ask who are the 'Radio Corporation of America'? Check out the link. [4] 

Justice will be done I can assure you of that. For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her vindication shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch. Isaiah 62:1 Who is she? Psalm 48 explains more, and so does Micah 4 and Rev 12.





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