
Friday 22 November 2013


Members of the community are asking about past lives and past life work usually comes into a person's life when they're ready to heal their souls. When past lives came into my life, it was a sign that I was to follow where it led me. It all began with a person asking me if I could a do a reading on past lives, and it went from there. It snowballed. 

Like always, in the beginning of training as a healer, and in this case as a past life healer, I thought it was just for my own healing process, to help me with the becoming of wholeness. Then people were so impressed with its healing potential. They kept on asking me to continue to do it. 

In those days, I just kept following the path to see where it would lead. Well it ended up with me developing a hybrid past life healing therapy, with divine help and teaching it. How amazing life is and the way it evolves; to ensure that you do the will of God. 

The past life healing therapy known as PLE, is one of the training modules of Spiritual Psychology that I was given divinely to teach. To teach Spiritual Psychology fully to other people would take up to three years of intensive work. I am sure that you can appreciate that it took yours truly, many more years to integrate everything that the divine taught me. Past Life Healing therapy is one of the keys for healing consciousness. It is one of the keys of the kingdom. 


To those that say that past lives do not exist because it would be traceable back to Egypt. The response is as follows: 

Those that were known as Essenes in Egypt, were healing souls. They were Spiritual Psychologists, that is what the origin of the word 'psychology', means, 'study of the soul'. There were many Buddhists healing in Egypt as well. Jesus spoke about past lives, and it can be found in the 'Jesus Sutra's,' the conversation with Simon that went East prior to Rome deciding on the cannon. 

Due to my own experience of past life work, I don't agree with what the guy in this video says. However, the picture is interesting especially as the feet of the bird appear to be holding an Omega symbol, or the top of the sacred golden ankh that is the womb of creation.  It also depicts two flames, just like this blog does. 

From Alpha to Omega, from beginning to end. When the past life healing work is completed with your soul, then the healing work with Jesus is completed on a personal level. At that point, I experienced an ascension experience in altered state, it seems like a long time ago now. That was back in 2007. At that time, the healing practitioner asked, 'What was that', the divine response given was ''Ascension, get used to it, there will be more coming'.

As I said to Author and Omega's sister, 'wonders will never cease'. 

Omega is the 24th letter of the Greek alphabet and the man that was known as Omega in the community,  is one of the elders that defends the throne. In the Greek numeric system, Omega has the value of 800. O mega and it means 'Great'. When Omega turns up it usually denotes the end. Christians are also aware of the reference of 'Alpha and Omega' in the biblical text. From the beginning to the end. 

The first article mentioning the word 'Omega', was in 2002. It was the first divine discourse with the heavenly Father, the subject matter was 'EGO'. Ego in both Latin and Greek means 'I'. 

The article wasn't published until the following year, due to it taking me a year to integrate what had been given to me to deliver. I was still coming to terms with the fact that I was having conversations with God, and it was absolutely profound. 

No coincidence then that it was in 2007, that I was also sent into the reality of Omega Steve. Its amazing when you look back in hindsight. It indicated that daughter Zion was ready to help the USA as mentioned in Micah 4. During that healing session in 2007, I went up Jacob's Ladder', it was an awesome spiritual experience, that was prior to the second mission to Israel. 

The symbol of 'Omega' can also be found in physics, maths, biology, year, or date of death. A symbol of the end of everything. Its also interesting that the Omega symbol as a 22 in it. A Master number of the divine feminine, angels, charity and leadership. Hence the bird in the painting, is symbolic of the soul that was carrying the symbol until the end. As we know, in Islamic prophecy Obama is the pharaoh, and Omega Steve was doing his utmost to help his friends to gain their freedom from the life conditions that they found themselves in, while living in the USA. 

He was an American patriot with a Libra north node. Hence healing of the spiritual warrior, would have also been imperative for him due to the spiritual warrior relating to many past lives. I was divinely guided with the methodology for a two-day workshop called 'Holy Grail and Ascension'. 

In that workshop, we were able to facilitate the abilities of the people, to find their clues to do with the Holy Grail of the 'mysterious wounds', that they were holding onto, prior to ascension to the next phase of the journey. 

It was at that time that I found my own spiritual warrior, that required healing so that I could release it from my energy fields. It was a fantastic weekend, and an experienced Buddhist said that he had never experienced anything like it before.  Within six months, he reported that he began having divine experiences that he had never had the facility to enjoy before. It all began during the workshop and continued afterwards. 

Healing is one of the ways that people gain their freedom, that is why the healing angels are so important to humanity during this transition. The greatest transition that humanity has ever witnessed. 

I am absolutely sure that Omega Steve and I have lived a past life in each others existence. That is another reason why I have a close connection with him, now that he has passed over. 

It could have well been during the Greek-Roman era in Egypt. Due to what happened in Greece economically with the banks, just happens to coincide with what is happening in the USA as well. The Greeks were the first bankers in Egypt, and we all know what has been going down in Greece in recent years. 

The bird can also indicate that the soul in the picture relates to 'King Ba', the hieroglyph is interesting, because it only has one leg. [1] That could certainly indicate a medical condition in a past life, that carried over into another life. I can see what is being shown to me. 'Ny-Ankh-Ba', a high official, mastaba tomb. Ba's burial site is unknown. 

A Mastaba is a burial site and it means 'House of Eternity', or 'Eternal House'. The spiritual philosophy of the Egyptians, embraced that the soul could only live in the body, if the body was preserved. As such, they were fully aware that healing of the body was essential to longevity. Although we are also aware that they healed souls as well. The Egyptians knew that the soul could leave the body, but it had to return otherwise the body would die. That often happens during sleep state, and when people have operations. It can also happen during a drug induced state, especially if people mix drink and weed. 

It is also often the case, that not all of the soul returns to the body, and in those cases we provide a different therapy. It can also happen with car crashes etc, and any other type of serious trauma. 

Incense was burned in the Mastaba's. Another reason why people burn incense, it is past life connection with the time when people did past life healing work of consciousness. After people have healed their souls and past lives, that is often the time when their senses develop and they begin to smell fragrances. As such, past life healing is essential to developing the spiritual gifts. 

Those that developed their sense of smelling what Spirit gave them divinely, then went onto to become aromatherapists in the next lifetime. Its about the progression of the soul's spiritual evolution. 

Interesting that we usually burn incense during healing sessions to give the room a nice fragrance. Its all part of making the healing space sacred. Biblically the incense is symbolic of the prayers to God, and prayers are often said by healers silently, at the beginning of any healing session. Most healers ask for divine help with the healing work that they are doing, and every PLE healing session begins with a prayer asking for divine help. 

The reason why aromatherapy is so important is that first people heal their thoughts, attitudes, perceptions and actions. Due to the healing work on the power of thought, people then begin to change their views of themselves, and how they view others. The more that people heal, the more their divine purpose for being is revealed to them. 

Then then there is the healing of the emotions, and that's when we bring in the 'inner child' healing work, and other methodology that has been divinely given. 

Followed by healing their souls when they are ready to do so.  The final phase is healing the physical, and aromatherapy is essential to be able to do that. Especially if there are physical injuries, that have impacted upon the nervous system. Although I have met an amazing lady that teaches aromatherapy at a university, and she does work with cancer patients. 

A turquoise light appeared on my right hand, so I know that what I have written is correct. That then reminds me of the turquoise painting of Mercy, so I shall upload it again. There is also aromatherapy for animals and they simply smell the bottles of the appropriate diluted oils. The animal healers truly do an amazing job. 

When people get to the point of healing the physical intensely, it is often the case that old memories will surface, so it is a good time to process those memories and have a good clear out on the cellular level. The cellular level is the most dense of energies, so it does take patience, and a multi-disciplinary approach. 

O mega seems to have adopted this color turquoise has another one of his signs and it is to do with transformation and acceptance. 

Past life work certainly assists people to accept and view life conditions in a very different way, to the way that they did before. They begin to appreciate the impact that past lives have had on the present that can also impact on the future. The more past lives they experience, either as a healer or receiver, the more they come to comprehend cosmic spiritual law. 

Past life healing work is essential for the ascension of the being, and helping people on the highway to holiness that can lead to wholeness and completion. Completion of truth really does exist for those that have put the real effort in. However, it does require more than one approach, due to consciousness being multi-dimensional. So for instance if a person is only a past life healer, then they are not in a position to solve everything for you. However, many healers train in various therapies that they then have at their fingertips. 

Spiritual psychology holds the keys that were divinely given, and it can also help people when they are processing the physical as well. It does have a physical cellular aspect to it, and I have been doing a lot of work with cellular healing in recent years to strengthen aspects of my own body, that has to be strengthened for longevity. When we have fully integrated the final phase, then we are ready to teach others what we have gained from the experience and its initiations. 

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