
Monday 4 November 2013

Blue Skies for Electric Light Orchestra

As the LORD said 'Rock Stars sang about you'. Today the skies are blue and the sun is shining brightly in the hybrid eclipse energies. ELO, the Electric Light Orchestra, sounds great, even in these days of recovery from that which was done.  The prophecies predicted that there would be 'much suffering after the rejection'. That is certainly true, the entrusted one did experience a lot to enable the comprehension of many different realities.

Enabling the assistance to those that required it, when they required it. Many different timelines, and many different energies and yet, our Electric Light Orchestra around the world do the LORD of creation justice, due to their honor of the Creator, and all that has taken place.

The golden celestial sledgehammer was indeed given, and it does have a specific purpose to smash a particular reality. I do know what that reality is, only that which is healthy for humanity will remain. Everything else will be swept away in this timeframe. It is the passing away of the old heavens and earth, all will be made anew.

No surprise then to see that there is an article on the BBC website today, and it mentions how the young people of today are already speaking about living to 100 years old. How amazing is that? The prophecies of Prophet Isaiah are manifesting with the children. Isaiah 8.

How wonderful then that my son put his hand on my left shoulder last night on the solar eclipse, and he said 'Are you OK Mum?', I replied, 'Yes, I'm fine'. The hand on the shoulder, is mentioned in the ELO song.

I said to the reflexologist last week, that when my time comes to leave the planet, I would like to leave like a yogi, and choose where and when to go. There is still much that everyone can do, doing our best as always.


Love beyond measure everyone 


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