
Monday 4 November 2013


In October we had the 'Tradewinds' message [1] today there is a story that Sainsburys have been hit! The 'Phoneutria Spiders' are indigenous to South America and parts of Central America, such as Costa Rica'.

'Eggs of the spiders' were found to be in Sainsbury's bananas and the 'Brazillian Wandering Spider is venomous and dangerous'. A family had to be evacuated from their London home due to the 'infestation', that had taken place.  'Pest control measures' had to be implemented and Sainsbury's had to pay for it. Total cost £1,000 and the numeric of 1,000 is to do with the spiritual law and the flame of Joseph.

The biblical prophecies predicted what the animal kingdom would do in this timeline; in response to what humanity have done to them. Nature has its own way of responding to what humanity is doing to creation.


So what are Sainbury's into? In 2000, I wrote to Sainsbury's to ask for funding for the creation of healing domes for 'depressed and suicidal' children'.

A mission of compassion for children. 

Their response was that they only fund that which can impact on policy to do with 'mental health'.

Yea, more academic policy and lobbying. Instead of helping the people at the grass roots that can really make a difference.

So what's changed since 2,000? 13 years is a long time.

Food prices have soared as we know

The UK now has the 'highest rate of male suicide' in Europe. So Sainsbury's did a great job didn't they? All that money given to the academics, instead of the healers of humanity.

Teshuvah Sainsbury's, teshuvah.

If you view this event that took place through Sainsbury's as minor, just wait until the major strike. For the golden celestial sledgehammer will be wielded in divine will.

There is an academic that does comprehend where I am coming from, including the paintings. Its not so much that they fund academics, its what they fund the academics to do. Its all part of the 'social engineering' that takes place due to the 'stakeholders' that are involved.

The academics that I honor are scientific in their work, they are cutting edge. They live their lives in the new spiritual paradigm, that is essential for humanity now. As it always has been.

Compassionate hearts can really change the world.




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