
Monday 4 November 2013

Smelling Oranges

After I wrote the 'Mensa Potty Training' post I could smell 'Oranges'. I usually view the smell of oranges as a sign that I must increase my Vit C. However I was just pondering on the oranges, and remembered how when I was pregnant my body was asking for oranges a lot of the time. So oranges in this reality are also to do with pregnancy, and giving birth to a bundle of joy.  That brings us back to the nervous system again. I plan to make some carrot soup tomorrow, so I shall make it a carrot and orange soup, and a carrot and orange cake. So this week is going to be strong on orange intake to give the body a good natural booster of Vit C.

There was also a study done at Leeds University that found that smelling oranges reduces chocolate consumption,  so another sign and message about intake.

In addition, food preferences can be influenced in the womb. The study adds that there is evidence that the senses, including hearing, can affect consumption. [1]

Now when Jordan was in the womb, I had a yearning for oranges and dates, and he took all the calcium from my body. After he was born, and as he grew older, he loved fruit, and he has never really been a sweet eater, although he likes fizzy drinks.

When I was pregnant with him, I did drink orange fanta and lucozade. Hence, from my experience I know that consumption does impact on the baby in the womb. Although what the baby is asking for also impacts on the yearning of the pregnant mother.

I found that I couldn't stand the smell of spices or eat spicy food when I was pregnant. All I could eat was really healthy, fresh plain food, like grilled chicken and lots of grilled fish. I also ate lots of fresh salad and had home made pizza.  My son still eats pizza, chicken, and loves salads and food with salads.

For me smelling different fragrances; is as natural as clairvoyance and clairaudience. I've been clairsentient from a child, the other faculties developed naturally over the years.

The last time that I smelt oranges it pertained to events that took place afterwards at Orange County, USA. There was also a painting for the 'Orange Family'. I wonder how Florida is getting on with the timeframe solar eclipse energies.


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