
Sunday 20 October 2013


Last nights message:

'I've been picking up on 'Undercurrents' in recent days and storms that will whip up so fast that people won't be able to reach the shore in time.

Swimmers are vulnerable at this time.  Please tell your families that go swimming.

No matter where they swim in the world. Storms will come very suddenly, these two eclipses are very powerful. The next one is a total hybrid solar eclipse on the 3rd of November. The strength of the energies of these two eclipses will be powerful for six months.'  

The Portsmouth News report that there has been a mini-tornado in the South of England. The roofs of 100 houses have been impacted upon and that numeric is to do with the spiritual law in the NT. The law of giving, that which you give, you will receive. You reap what you sow. 

Beach huts were also impacted upon in addition to cars. "Cheryl Hart told The News the tornado sounded like "a freight train hurtling along the road". [1] 


People that live in the UK are aware that tornado's are rare here, including 'mini' ones. Although the LORD did speak about the 'Tradewinds' in recent days.  I've just read the news and the British government are planning to install a new nuclear power plant. Seriously, do they have any common sense at all after 'Fukishima'?

Earlier this evening while I was viewing the 'Mai Chan' message; the heavenly Father said 'They're all going to get the sack'. 


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