
Monday 21 October 2013


Earlier this evening I had been pondering on situations to do with "Trust".

Then the heavenly Father said 'They stepped on holy ground', and then I found this lovely song.

Trust was crucial in the spiritual journey for the entrusted one, for how could one become entrusted without trust? Trust had to be in place to ensure that I could follow the divine wherever it led me. Little did I know when each mission began, what the outcome would be. I just enjoyed the journey and the divine experience as we went along. Trusting each moment. 

It was really hard when others didn't trust, and their choices impacted on their lives. Sometimes it was hard to walk away, to leave, when I knew that I had no choice. For the sanctity of my being, I had to do what was right, I had no choice. 

Sometimes it was hard to hear the news knowing that they had a choice, but yet, they never picked up that phone to call, or an email to the one that could've helped them. They chose someone else instead, and paid the consequences for doing so. Ultimately, it was the LORD's way of showing where their intention was coming from, and whether it was pure. 

So my sacred ground, the holy ground is trust, in the sacredness of divine trust, I enjoyed the sacred union with the divine. On the holy ground, I witnessed healing miracles and we were truly blessed. 

On the holy ground we walked bare feet in the grass, and I was given the key to my heart, so that we would always be together, forever. 

On the holy ground, sometimes he would speak to me in Hebrew. He would give me individual words, sharing one word at a time. He gave me messages to deliver to humanity on the holy ground. We danced on the grass with the light of hope in the heart, as I had been compelled to do joyously. 

When the men decimated my home within, my sanctuary of peace. The grass was still outside the door in the sunshine. I could still walk divinely on holy ground and breath in the fresh air, I just kept breathing, and continued to hold the light in my hands, and all of the loved ones in my heart. 

I was never alone with the fresh air in my hair. The birds would fly and sing for me on holy ground, in the sacred union with the divine.  The animals gave me many messages as well on holy ground, even the chocolate lab came to say I love you. 

Their plan was to 'reduce to non-existence', so that it would impact on the morale of the holy ones; including yours truly. 

When I speak of trust, I speak of divine trust, a trustful loyalty that is beyond most people's comprehension. A divine trust that is so pure in its intention, only those of pure intention can walk on its holy ground. 

Very few people are willing to walk on the holy ground, due to the fact that when you are in the presence of the divine, nothing is hidden and everything comes into the light of day. People were asked to look at many different realities, and many did not wish to go there. The light of divine love in manifestation can be very intense at times, incredibly powerful, and all embracing. I did warn people in advance that every stone would be turned over. Nothing will ever be the same again, after a person encounters this energy and its Spirit on holy ground. The prophecies predicted that the old heavens and earth would pass away, and everything would be made anew in this timeline.

The holy ground is simply divine. 

When the LORD chose this land, I trust that he chose it for its peace, it was once farmland and that is why it is endowed with resplendent peace. He placed his peaceful one, on peaceful land, so that she could live in peace with him, and what he wished for me to do. Peace in the being was paramount for what laid ahead of me, and he knew that it wouldn't be easy. Yet, he always knew that I would do my best to do his will; to the best of my ability.

He chose the land and the exact places where he wished for me to walk with him, and no matter what they did, or what they offered, they could not move me from this holy ground. Only he can move me when he chooses to do so.

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