
Monday 21 October 2013


Wisdom justified by God now, the prophecies predicted that she would be vindicated. Clearly, in more ways than one.  Israel has experienced two earthquakes in recent days in the area of the Sea of Galilee.The first was in the north of Ginnosar and the second one was south of it. [1]

One man asked why the quake was so low, I shared with him that Israel got the message with the numeric of 36,  the value of Tzadikim.  The Rabbi's came up with a whole philosophy around 'Tzadikim', they say that Tzadikim is not revealed to the world due to humility.

Morelike, not revealed to the Rabbi's due to them being famous for killing the prophets.  In addition, we shared with you recently about the Rabbi from Chabad that promotes pushing the (righteous) mother out of her nest so that they can take it instead.

Hey Israel, remember that 30th anniversary coin? Yea, I was given one by a friend, you know what is written on it don't you?

They say that 18 is the value of 'Life', and that 18 x 2 = 36 = 2 different lives. The numerics of 30 is the value of the shepherds staff, the six is the value of the tent peg in the ancient pictographs.

No surprise then that it in recent days the LORD compelled me to share with you about wisdom being justified, proven and vindicated by the children.  In that post it was also shared that in Judaism wisdom is a righteous woman. The word wisdom is written 222 times in the bible and in the Proverbs 'this personified wisdom is described as being present with God before the creation began and even taking part in creation itself'.  [2] Hence there are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, 22 is a Master number of the divine feminine.

I recommend that the Rabbi's read their bibles again; so that they can see that the LORD planned to reveal her and where. Yes, Israel, written in the records of Israel, she walked the land for five weeks and I am in a five year in my current life cycle; based upon the date of the physical birth of the instrument chosen by the LORD. Five is also the numeric of physical manifestation and the recent lunar eclipse was on the 18th day of October, the 'Day of Personal Leadership'.  The LORD spoke of the 'Meira' prior to it, and also 'Social Visionary'.

So what do the biblical prophecies say about the earthquakes in the region? We warned the people a few years ago that the prophecies predict an earthquake that will destroy Damascus, and the flooding of Judah. Why? Prophet Isaiah warned them to take it to their hearts when I was sent to Israel. He warned them that if they did not take it to their hearts then the war would come next, Lebanon -v- Israel in 2006   did happen. After that the fire on Mount Carmel, 5 million trees at Jewish New Year in 2010.  Did you get the message Israel?  Now Israel is quaking Tzadikim!

Did you turn your hearts to the children Israel, and the tzadikim that the LORD sent to you? Did you make sure that the LORD's tzadikim is well cared and provided for? As you didn't, then why does Israel consider that it is worthy of a third visit, if it did not value the previous two?

Walking at the Galilee and blessing it, I remember it well. Its so beautiful there, the LORD chose all the best places for his Lotus Feet to walk.



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