
Sunday 20 October 2013


And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. Romans 8:30 

Christians write that in Matthew 11:16-19 Jesus ends a teaching with the words  "wisdom is justified by her children." I've looked at that chapter so where is it? It does appear in Luke 7:35 In some translations the word for 'justified' and 'proven', is translated as 'vindicated'. 

He also predicted that 'Wisdom will be proven right by her words'. Wisdom will be proven right by her deeds'. 

Did it and does that happen? 


The spiritual of integrity came forth and stood firm in HER defence in all truth. Those that knew the truth of what happened spoke of it. Prophet Isaiah was correct her children came in the last days of the end times. Isaiah 8. 

'And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.' 1 Corinthians 6:11

Stay true to your hearts for the Dalai Lama was also right when he said that humanity will not survive without compassion. In Hebrew it is HESED, and the word includes the virtue of charity, loving kindness and mercy. 

The LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for HESED. His Son also asked for it and remember what they did. Jesus was and is lovingkindness. A love so powerful that it transforms people when the LORD chooses to send him to people that are ready to receive him. 

A love so strong and empowering that it would blow most people away, people have to be willing to live in the true light of love to truly know him. 

The LORD predicted 'It will blow their minds away'. 

For as he said 'By the time they find out what we have done, it will be too late for them to change it'. 

The spiritual family of healers is the greatest family, can you say we are brothers and sisters?

The first born has high self-esteem, self-worth, self-love that is why they become high achievers in their lives; especially when they are the 'only child' for a number of years. In my case it was seven years. 

That enables those that are born first to help their brothers and sisters to also have high self-esteem, self-worth, and self-love. The true love of a healer is very powerful when you are washed in the fountain 
of its purification. The way showers. 

The spiritual of integrity came forth and stood firm in HER defence in all truth. Those that knew the truth of what happened spoke of it during the Rev 12 timeline and in the Micah 4 timeline.

The Saints did judge the Angels including some of the healers as the prophecies predicted.

That requires great trust,  courage, and the divine love compelled by the Spirit of God for the benefit of humanity, and the healers and mystics who do stand in integrity.

When a man is compelled by love; there is nothing he cannot achieve when wisdom is with him and all that he does.

That is another reason why wisdom was so important to Jesus. He knew that in the Spirit of God, she would defend his spiritual family of holy healers and mystics, and the truth with her life. He knew that wisdom would counteract those mentioned in Rev 13 with her insights. That is why she was called to do the count, the soferim in that timeline.

As Jesus said to yours truly 'The soul is the lamp that lights the way'. 

The Bahai view is that wisdom is seen as a light, that 'casts away darkness, and its dictates must be observed under all circumstances'. 

In Buddhism wisdom is about right conduct, and that includes communication and how one communicates. That is why the Saints called out some of the Angels, it was about right conduct and ensuring that people only spoke the truth in integrity, in respect of the divine. 

In Judaism wisdom is a righteous woman. It is written that the word wisdom is written 222 times in the bible and that in the Proverbs 'this personified wisdom is described as being present with God before creation began and even taking part in creation itself, delighting especially in human beings.' [1]  

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