
Friday 25 October 2013


The last post took us to 'Tonsils'. [1] I shared with you that in the mouth we have the central governing meridian. In April, 2013, the Telegraph newspaper reported that in the 1950's, 200,000 children and young people had their tonsils removed in the UK. The Science Correspondent, Nick Collins, writes that the NHS should remove more tonsils based upon a study from Finland. [2]

The tonsils are made of lymphatic tissues, as such, they are an essential part of your immune system. So when they are removed, you are also removing part of the immune system, that helps to defend your body against illness.

The Daily Mail share with us that the tonsils 'are rich in white blood cells - the ones that hunt down and destroy viruses and bacteria that invade the body.'  Hence, they should never be removed, unless it is absolutely essential to do so. The first reports of the tonsils being removed goes back to ancient Rome, in AD30. Does that ring a bell with Christians?  Why would Rome begin to remove tonsils? Is it because glandular fever is a clear sign that something in the body has to be addressed?

Tonsillitis and its pain in the throat can be due to issues to do with communication. Most likely, you will find that introverts have been the sufferers of such health conditions, especially as teenagers, when children are going through so many physical and psychological changes. It comes at a time when more 'pressure' is being put on children at school with examinations. It is also a time when parents are encouraging children to pull their weight in the home, and to get a part-time job. Are teenagers always ready for work? Maybe not, every individual is unique and different. Each individual matures emotionally at a different time.

What else can impact on children in this case?

In my own life, I escaped being endangered by a man that raped and killed his mother and her sister five years later. After that happened, there really wasn't any serious communication about what had happened. There was no counseling, or medical profession involvement in what had taken place to help the teenager. The introvert teenager could not communicate what they were feeling about the situation. There wasn't anyone that wished to dwell on the subject; to clear it and heal it.

In addition, the following year, a French pen friend had come to stay with us for three weeks. The 16 year old was the daughter of French friends of the RAB. She was the daughter of a French trade union official. My parents were very kind to her, and we all went away for Christmas together. It was a strange experience, because the 16 year old had no interest in being with the 14 year pen friend.

The French girl viewed the 14 year old as a child, a child emotionally, and physically. I was small for my age. She didn't join in at the disco either, I found her hard to comprehend. Why had she come to stay with me, if she didn't wish to be with me? The 16 year old wasn't interested in my mother either. The only person that she was interested in, was my mother's husband.

When the RAB and the girl were missing, my mother sent me to look for the RAB. I went to the bedroom, and the 16 year old had locked the door behind her. Anyway, mum came and we got in, the girl was sitting at the RAB's feet, and he was talking to her, responding to what he viewed as her academic questions.

The RAB viewed the 16 year old as a child like his daughter, his eyes were so pure where children were concerned, that he could not see what she was trying to do to his marriage. Well you can imagine how my mother responded to the whole situation. As soon as we returned to London, the girl was put on a coach at Victoria station, and sent back home. My parents never spoke to the French family again after that, and I had no further contact with her.

In hindsight, due to the life experience around that time, I can comprehend why the 14 year old introvert was having throat blockages. Pain and soreness in the throat. After all, the RAB was her hero. However, due to the fact that the medical profession has never provided an holistic approach, they cut your body instead. As an eminent doctor once said to me, 'They do not teach us how to heal emotions, they teach us how to cut up bodies'.

Instead of Science Correspondents calling for more tonsils to be removed, first they should be demanding that our nations have an holistic approach to all health conditions. The fact is; that the current medical profession are not up-to-date with holistic approaches that can solve the root causes of the issues. Root causes that can become very serious, if not dealt with in an holistic way, as soon as possible.

This is what Jesus was teaching, to solve the root causes of all core issues. This is what Buddha was teaching as well. So if your throat is sore, then ask yourselves the reason why? Ask the right questions and you get the right answers.

So what support do our teenagers receive in this 21st century, as it changed since the 20th century?

In my humble experience, parents often skirt around important issues, if they are dealing with issues themselves. It is rare when there is an open discussion about emotions, and or feelings. When does a teacher ever ask 'How do you feel', when does a doctor ask the same question? If the doctor is given the response anyway, then what does he do with it? Nothing, he/she doesn't have the solutions for the root causes of physical ailments.

'That is why when my teenage son and I went to Australia. I made the point of maximizing our quality time together. I put a lot of effort into opening discussion about everything, we reviewed our whole lives together, and those that had been involved in it.

My son didn't have any longstanding throat issues to contend with in his teenage years. I made sure of that.  I gave him an holistic approach of how to look at life, and life conditions, by helping him to discuss his life in an holistic way. I was able to do that because I lived my own life holistically.

So it isn't just the responsibility of the medical profession, it is the responsibility of the parents to provide an holistic view, to help the health of the children of the nations. It is also up to parents to accept that sometimes children are right about how they feel about life conditions.

It is imperative that parents learn to listen to what is really going on at a deep core level. Instead of thinking that they always know best.

Turn your hearts to the children, and listen to their hearts.




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