
Thursday 24 October 2013


When I received the raw organic honey from Holland, I read the label and it mentions how babies should not be given the honey prior to being one year old. There are various reasons for this that pregnant mothers should be made aware of.

Honey can impact on the new baby teeth that come in, and sugar impacts on teeth. Sugar also impacts on the metabolism and changes it from a fat burning metabolism to a sugar burning metabolism. The physical body is born to have a fat burning metabolism.

However, the scientists and doctors are more concerned about the serious possibility of 'Botulism Poisoning' due to the spores that it contains. This also applies to syrup, (including corn syrup).

Treacle can also impact on baby teeth, as can malt. So no syrup puddings for babies until their immune systems are strong enough to defend the body. 'Sticky sugary sweets' are also out for toddlers and young children due to their baby teeth and metabolism. My son wasn't allowed any until he was four years old, even then he was limited on how many he was allowed to have.

I also limited his cake and pudding intake as well; due to the sugar in cakes and different sweet puddings. He loved fresh fruit, so he had a large bowl of fresh fruit always there for him while he was growing up. He could just help himself as he required it. I was fortunate that he didn't like hot drinks very much, so he did not have any tea with sugar in it as a child either. I don't drink tea, so that was good as well.

I used to make jelly for him with mandarin segments, and he would have that with ice cream. Jelly is good for children due to its gelatin, that is good for backs. So is liquorice. He was allowed to have both.

I didn't give my son juice either until he was about 18 months - 2 years old. Even then, it was squash like Barley water. He was allowed small amounts of proper orange juice between the ages of 3-4.

He had breast milk or water for the first six months after that he was on solids. Sometimes a baby cries because they are thirsty, and they are not always hungary. In my experience, if babies are thirsty, it is best to give them fresh spring water. So I used to offer my son water first, if he said no, then I would offer him food. That was in between feeds. As they get older, sometimes they like to have water after a feed as well.

There are usually five reasons why babies cry, they are either thirsty, hungary, wet, or require the arms of love and cuddles. If all of that has been provided, and a baby continues to scream, then it is best to take that baby directly to the doctor due to the possibility of a health issue.  In my experience as a mother, if babies cry, there is an important reason for it.

The possibility of allergies was mentioned as well. In 2006 , there was an article in the May issue of New Scientist that provided evidence to prove that cuts in childhood co-create allergies. It can also co-create skin disease due to cuts in childhood mutating genetics. Hence circumcision is out, if you wish to focus on the good health of your child, and future generations. 

In that photograph it looks like it is coming from the throat, when I was 14 years old they removed my tonsils. Hence, the body was cut again, this time in the mouth. Remember that in the mouth, we have the central governing meridian.  

We also found in past life healing research, that 'wheat allergies' can be due to a past life experience that the soul remembers. The soul consciousness brings with it, specific memories to be healed in each lifetime. 

It was more than synchronicity, it was divine providence that I read that article in New Scientist on my way to Israel in 2006. I always buy a copy of New Scientist when I take a flight. 

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