
Friday 25 October 2013


Jeremy Paxman interviews Russell Brand, and asks him about the revolution. Brand tells Paxman that he has never voted, and has no intention of voting for members of the old paradigm. He certainly gives it to Jeremy Paxman, straight, with his arrow of truth.

It was a decade ago when I first started to speak of the 'Emotive Social Evolution' that would take place. At that time some spiritual people laughed at the prediction in the public domain.

Has I have mentioned many times, this is a global movement, the movement of truth and social justice. Energizing people to innovate change. Russell Brand is headlining on the work that many have done for decades at the grass roots. For some it will feel like it has happened overnight, in a twinkling of an eye. Russell Brand's eyes certainly twinkle with light when he smiles. 

Prophet Isaiah predicted that the children of Shiloh would come in this timeline. No surprise then that Russell was born on this land of Joseph.  

In July, 2010, a post was provided on the 'Revolution of the Ages'. [1] There was also a post on the 'Revolution Crop Circle'. [3] 

In February 2011, the words of the heavenly Father were shared, and the post was called 'Children of the Revolution'. [2]. 

Time for the world to turn their hearts to the children, or face the consequences for not doing so. 

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