
Friday 25 October 2013


On the 22nd of October, 2013 the LORD said 'ELOKIM', and I knew then more judgement upon humanity was coming. [1] On Thursday the 24th October I wrote about the 'Sweets' and children. [2]

There is now breaking news that there has been an explosion at a 'Sweet Factory', at Ciudad Juarez in Chihuahua on the border with the US state of Texas. Who lived in Chihuahua? Mitt Romney and the Mormons. Also the other day the LORD said 'Tradewinds' while I was painting.


It is written that a boiler exploded in the Dulces Blueberry factory and the fire caused the ceiling to collapse. 300 people were in the factory at the time, and one man has died.

The BBC reports that 'Factories such as the one affected, known as maquiladoras, are located in a free trade zone between the United States and Mexico.

They are estimated to employ more than one million Mexicans.

The BBC's Will Grant in Mexico City says maquiladoras are often criticised by labour rights groups for their low wages and poor working conditions, as they try to compete with China to manufacture cheap goods for the US market.' [3] 

Mexico you must turn your hearts to the children or face the consequences for not doing so.




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