
Saturday 26 October 2013


The Telegraph report that people are being kept awake at night by the sound of humming. The scientists say that it could be due to the fish making love. The people say that it 'pulsates' their homes, it starts at around 10pm and carries on all night. 

Hence, people are moving away from the sea due to them not being able to sleep. Well we have asked people to move away from the shorelines since the 90's, and it sounds like the fish are doing their part in encouraging people to move. That is the kind of persuasion that nature is involved in. Doing the will of the Creator to save lives. 

ELOKIM is also to do with nature. The Harp of Faithfulness, the vessel that the Creator implemented.  The instrument of compassionate action and mercy. Divine love in manifestation on the earth plane.  


Yesterday, I could hear it, and I wrote 'Sea above the ear', then I saw the EAR Nebula, and it is beautiful. The Ear Nebula looks just like the face of a dog and the nebula is in Cygnus. It was discovered on the Northern Galatic plane in 2012. Its really beautiful.

If you look at the nebula from a distance, you will see a large face and the dog is in the area of the ear.

Its no coincidence that my son is also an Aquarian water bearer, and he was born in the Chinese year of the Dog. You'll never walk alone.

I can also see what looks like a mic as well, underneath the face. If it was on the body, it would be coming from the area of the thymus, and the thymus is about acceptance. We accept. The planetary energies impact on humanity, they also impact on nature on planet earth. He hears and he speaks to his own generation, just like the dogs hear and speak to us.

Ears have a sight of their own, and can hear the insights beyond the physical body. As we know animals are clairsenient in the same way that people are. Animals can see and feel the auric fields, in the same way that some people are awakened to do. Children and animals are particularly sensitive to planetary energies.

Cygnus is the swan and the swan is symbolic of grace and HAMSA. The grace of nature is beautiful, when people are aligned with their own true natures in harmony with it. The harmonies of nature and the songs that it sings; to those that have the ears to hear. The eyes to see, and the heart to comprehend.

ELOKIM is the same gematria value as the 'Dharma' and that is about the spiritual law of the cosmos, and right action that includes right conduct. Right conduct includes living in harmony with the planetary energies. Those that live in harmony with the energies of the cosmos, cannot live in the same space with those that do not. The dharma is about righteousness and living righteously.

Living righteously is also about communication, and how one communicates to benefit others.

ELOKIM is also the gematria value of Gabriel, and Archangel Gabriel also works with the clairvoyants in this timeline. He took the place of Archangel Michael at the side of the holy mother in 2005. Archangel Michael then began working with the new teachers of ecological self-sustainability. Giving them a sword of truth to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping.

The same gematria as SELAH.

It feels like it is time to write about the next solar eclipse that is coming on the 3rd November, there is also another gateway opening in Egypt on the 2nd.



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