
Saturday 26 October 2013


On the 2nd of November there is another gateway opening in Egypt, and it is followed by the solar eclipse energies of a rare solar eclipse on the 3rd of November, 2013. One of the links mentions Jacksonville, Florida, USA, [1] and that is a place that we have visited during the Micah 4 timeline of daughter Zion.

It is written that the last time that there was a hybrid solar eclipse like this was in April 2005, and that was a seven year of forgiveness. The life number of the spiritual teacher. However, I always look at the saros numbers because it gives us more information on the impact of the solar eclipse. The real strength of it, combined with the recent lunar eclipse energies will impact very strongly for the next six months.

The date of the 3rd of November, is the 'Day of Endurance', and it comes in the week of 'Depth'. That reminds me of the words of the heavenly Father, when he said 'Your love is as tall as a tree, and as deep as an ocean'. It reminds me of the words of his Son, when he said 'The depth of your forgiveness, determines the depth of your love'. Sacred Words indeed.

As we know, humanity are having to endure much at this time, and I do feel it is to help humanity to comprehend the rite of passage and its initiations. Humanity are being persuaded to comprehend life experience, and how it relates to the dharma of the spiritual law. How it relates to consciousness in many different realities at different times. Endurance is about the spiritual journey on this planet, that we call earth. Spiritual being having a human experience.

Humanity will have to endure much in the next six months, and the day of this solar eclipse warns humanity of that in advance. However, the 3rd of November solar eclipse also helps people to be serious in their pure intention, and steadfast with it. The truly spiritual will not be moved from their position because they have lived it and know the truth in their hearts. They have already endured much, in their lives, they are the survivors of many different realities and that is why Prophet Joel spoke of the survivors that cross the new frontiers together in the love vibration.

It does relate to real affection experienced and felt, and the real love that humanity are being asked to comprehend. The real love of the Creator is different, to the love of those that live in a human state of being human. Human kind are called 'Human Kind', due to the kindness that the Creator calls for humanity to live. For humanity will not survive without kindness and being kind to each other.

Sometimes being kind means that we have to let people go, we have to allow them to experience it for themselves. We have to accept that it is their time to endure. To help them to find their own strength of character, and how they will integrate what they are now having to experience; due to what they have done in the years that have gone. The past creates the present, and the present creates the future. People are reaping what they have sown, in the days that have gone. We cannot turn the clock back, we can only assist people to adjust to the new energies that are impacting on them, and the reasons for it.

Some people are not willing to accept the reasons, well that's OK too, they chose what they co-create 85% of the time. Only 15% of what happens in the life of the people is due to the spiritual law of the cosmos that they agreed to pre-destination. What the people give comes back to them, in incredible ways.

This forthcoming solar eclipse is a saros 143, the last time there was a saros 143 was in 1995, and that was a good year for the spiritual, including myself. A lot was geminating spiritually at that time due the sheer power of forgiveness that was taking place, for the launch of that which was sprouting the following year.

This saros solar eclipse will not come again until 2031. [2] So be sure to benefit from the positivity of its energies in a positive way. As we know, everything is for a reason when humanity comprehend the reason, why things are happening the way that they are on the planet.

It is in finding the reason, that people find the perfection of the spiritual law of the cosmos. It is about understanding your lives, its divine purpose,  and why you have had to endure as much as you have. Only when people are willing to heal themselves, do they truly find the reasons and answers that they seek. Knock and the door does open for you, when people seek within, for that which they wish to know.

So this eclipse will be powerful for the healers and self-development facilitators that know the truth based upon their experiences of helping others. When I was in Florida, I met a lovely family that had been to every Christian denomination there was available. Every single one of those denominations had co-created harm for that family, and enough, really is enough USA.

The spiritual law gives freedom to humanity, and that was the true Jesus teaching, freedom that came to be, through healing the root causes of the core issues; on the rite of passage of the spiritual journey. At one with nature, and its spiritual law, in harmony with it, aligned with it to comprehend mother nature,

So what else do we have on saros 143? In gematria, it is the value of 'Rock', 'Hands', 'Holland', 'Samadhi', and 'Samadhi' is also an initiation on the rite of passage. I must say a glorious one indeed. A fantastic experience that I enjoyed in 2007. Being one with the cosmos is mighty indeed. Although it doesn't come to be until after you have passed other initiations with flying colors. Years earlier, I had experienced 'Satori'. Satori experience happens when people have truly integrated unconditional love in all areas of their lives. When they have truly walked the walk, and talked the talk. I view Satori as a gift of spiritual accomplishment and so is Samadhi.

At the end of the day, experience counts. Often people have spiritual experiences, I was blessed to have the divine guidance to go with it. At each point of spiritual advancement, the divine guided me with it, and spoke of it in a way that I could understand. So I would experience,  then I was given the name of that experience. When you meet someone, you have a name to put with the face, it is the same with spiritual experiences.  You are given the name of that experience, when you truly walk in the light of divine love, that is essential for humanity now. Another reason why we speak of essentials. Due to people wishing to comprehend the harp that the LORD sent and the reasons for it.

Its to help humanity and its children to comprehend that which is known, due to life experience of it. Wisdom and its insights that are proven to exist. Justified and vindicated, so that it can help people in many different realities; to understand why its existence is so important in this timeline.

143 is the gematria value of 'Cairo', no surprise then that there is a gateway opening the day before this eclipse. I liked Cairo very much, riding a horse to the pyramids, was an incredible spiritual experience. I was truly blessed to see the pyramids with my own eyes. Awesomeness indeed. The Egyptians, both Muslim and Christian, gave their visitor a Queenly welcome, and hospitality, on that first visit to their land. I met people there from different nations, British and some from Lebanon that were living at the hotel. I could see the pyramids from the swimming pool. If I ever returned to Egypt for a third visit, I would go to the red sea, and or Alexandria.

143, the gematria of the 'Age of Peace'. and I am in resplendent peace with these solar eclipse energies. Just being myself, and expressing what is in my heart about consciousness; and the true peace that is attainable when the people are willing to put the effort in to achieve it. When the people have the humility and courage to step on the highway to holiness, then the divine energies come rapidly to help you.

Then the divine are overjoyed at your willingness to accept, and embrace the right way to achieve peace in the world. Shalom to everyone, for their wholeness and completion of truth.

143, 'Robbed', what did they do to elohiym?  Prophet Malachi tells you the consequences of that and what happens if they do not turn their hearts to the children in this timeline, when they were asked to do so.  'I AM She', daughter Zion, Micah 4 timeline of the divine feminine.  It is also the gematria value of the sensitive and tender hearted 'Lambs'. Farmers take good care of them this winter. Remember what happened to them last year.

The value of 'ASCEND'. Such a great word that resonates with the teachings of Prophet Isaiah. I hold his teachings closely in my heart, due to having experienced them on spiritual levels of existence. The different planes of existence and the different heavens. Truly blessed. In 1995, my son and I were living in a very large house, with many rooms. Each room with a different purpose. The different heavens are like that, each have a different purpose for being, just like the individuals that you find there. In divine presence, you are on holy ground of the different spheres, like the spheres on Saturn. The great teacher.

The room for cleaning the clothes of others, the room for cooking food for others, the room for spiritual giving of your spiritual gifts, the room for dreaming like the aborigines, experiencing different dream states of consciousness. The room for watching and listening, the room for the computer and communication. The room of the Son, the rooms for the guests that were brought to us. How wonderful the spiritual journey was then, that we experienced many different rooms and many different energies.

Eight rooms and 143 adds up to 8, the symbol of infinity. This eclipse is in the week of Scorpio II, and as we know Scorpio's are known for their 'sexuality', and how deep they can be. As deep as an ocean. It is also a deeply spiritual sign for those that uncovered it. This eclipse energies will be easy for the spiritual that have done their inner work. It will be the opposite for those that haven't.

Integration of the spiritual principles are essential on the spiritual journey. The power of forgiveness in the nature of Joseph is mighty indeed. It is true forgiveness that opens the heart to experience other realities of truth. The cutting edge scientists have done great work on the power of it, and the seat of intelligence of the heart. Humanity are being called to integrate it. so that their hearts can flow more freely. Only when the heart is flowing freely, can the seeds that are planted be watered.

A mustard seed can only be watered when the heart is flowing naturally. In my experience, forgiveness is essential for the holy streams to flow. That is why it was so important in the teachings of the Sons of God, that includes Jesus himself. They called him the 'Only begotten Son', that is because he was the only one that existed at that point in time. Why? The orthodox had buried the teachings of how people became Sons of God'. He shared with those that had the ears to hear, that they had to be born again, to be born of the Spirit and become Sons of God.

As the LORD said 'ELOKIM'.

I asked the LORD, what shall we call this eclipse? He responded 'TIME  FRAME'.

The first known use of the word 'Time Frame', was in 1964, and as we know that was the era of the flower power children. It is a time frame for my generation in this Age of Aquarius, that brings forth the 'Age of Peace', due to ethical effort in divine will.

Comprehending the time frame of the prophecies; and the impact on humanity, in achieving peace in the world. The Age of the Aquarian water bearer. For the Aquarian, Scorpio and its 'sexuality', is the catalyst, for the healing process of the Aquarian Age. It catapults people into a different reality of finding out who they truly are. Hence, the power of this hybrid solar eclipse will impact on 'sexuality', and those that are being asked to seek within in regards to relationships with themselves, others and the planet.

Sexual power can be expressed in many different ways. If a person is expressing their true creative and spiritual potential then they ascend naturally. If they're not living their true spiritual and creative potential, then you can be sure that a catalyst will be sent to help you to make a breakthrough. Sometimes the catalyst is the last resort, and this solar eclipse is like that due to the time frame that humanity finds itself in.

The catalyst can impact on people in many different ways, depending on how they can be touched and moved. The Scorpio energies of this eclipse knows intelligently what is required to shift humanity to the next level. The masses may not like it. However, they have no choice but to shift to a higher level of consciousness.

For the spiritual this is a good song for this eclipse.

However, I do not recommend supporting Obama.

This song is the theme tune of Liverpool, UK.

The Beatles from Liverpool.



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