
Sunday 27 October 2013

Sacred Rings Mandala

I felt compelled to paint 'Affection', for the forthcoming solar eclipse energies. Then I was going to paint a mandala for a couple in the USA. However, I was compelled to paint a mandala for someone else, and I have called it 'Sacred Rings' due to the rings in it.


In this painting of 'Affection', I see white feathers, and the Spirit of White Feather, I see ice cream, and soft healing fruits like mango. orange, nectarines and peaches. I feel its gentle and powerful fruitful energy, its a smoothie.  Its the spiritual affection that is felt when your spirit guides are close, due to the depth of the connection between you, as the energies flow towards you. Sometimes, it is beyond words, and just knowing that you are loved at a very deep level of being, is enough. Its an affection that the Spirit realms have for all beings, and they love it, when you accept their spiritual gifts and insights. 

Sometimes the spiritual affection of the Spirit realms, connect people together, due to many lifetimes shared on different planes of existence. It is due to their great love for us all, that they only wish the very best for us.

I see a dove of peace in the painting of spiritual affection. A peace that is resplendent. When people are really at peace with themselves, that is when the energies can really flow unhindered. 


This mandala began with an orange flower in the centre, then gold was added, then the red. It was followed by the different rings and the arrows all pointing inwards from the outer ring. I see the sapphire blue, ruby red, and golden ring. Now that it is scanned, and I am looking at the painting the other way up, I see a bird in the painting. It has incredible large wings like a peacock, symbolic of the soul of the person. On a soul level they resonate with the birds and their messages. 

It is quite likely that this person has been a keeper of birds in a past life, because the birds are so strong with this person. It looks like the bird has walked into a sacred place, a place that only they know of. There is a ring of transformation around it in the turquoise, and I have already mentioned the precious stones. I see a target, the dharma, and also archery is another connection with this person. An archer in a past life. I see race tracks, and Olympics, an athlete. I see dancers, and dancing with lots of feathers. 

Strong arms are required for archery, and strong legs to be an athlete, a love of sports is with this person. Its a wheel within a wheel, a sacred wheel, and something happened in 2003 to catapult this person spiritually. Whether it was the harmonic concordance is up to them to know. However, there has been two more engagements with God since then. Those three events had a major impact on this person's view of the world. Its like they could see what they wished to see. The sacred rings of the timeline, and timeframe. 

I feel great hope, and light with this person, they know what is happening, and where they're going. That is all I shall say, for it is a mandala for a person that comprehends to the best of their abilities. 

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