
Sunday 27 October 2013

Foster Farms USA

About a week ago, I posted that I had to throw the eggs away, in two of the eggs the shells inside were black in part of them. In the third egg the yolk was completely black. I had to throw all the eggs away, clean the frying pan, and start all over again.

Then last night,  I painted this mandala of the 'Sacred Rings', for a person in the USA involved in the global truth movement. In the centre of the mandala we can see a bird, and I wrote about how it is to do with the dharma of the spiritual law of the cosmos, and the engagements with God.


Then while I was resting, prior to going to sleep, I received a whiff of those eggs again. Second warning about the eggs, and what is going on with them. After passing the warning on, for the second time.

I took a look to see what is in the news about the eggs. The first thing that came up was the film that Hollywood has made about Julian Assange, and it is called the 'Fifth Estate'. The news write up mentions an 'egg'.

They began filming in January 2013, and Assange said that the film was 'fanning the flames for war on Iran'. They then removed the opening scene of Iran, and changed the name of the movie. The movie was made by Dreamworks and Disney. Assange also told them at the time there would be a 'cost' due to what they had done.

You can be sure that California threw eggs at Julian Assange with that movie. The term 'Fifth Estate', can also refer to the fifth dimension of divine love in manifestation on the earth plane. [2] No coincidence then that they cast an 'actor' with the name of 'Benedict', to be Assange. Another Catholic name, and name chosen by the previous pope.

In the dharma of the spiritual law of the cosmos, and the law of the prophets, if people throw eggs at the fan. The fan that defends the holy ones, then it comes right back at you. In this 'time frame', it comes back a 1,000 fold, due to the flame of Joseph.

No surprise then that farms in California have been hit with 'Salmonella'. Not only have Foster Farms and the American nation been hit with 'Salmonella', but it is a strain that does not respond well to anti-biotics.

13% of those 'sickened have salmonella septicema, a serious life-threatening whole body inflammation'. 

'Of the people infected, 42% have ended up in hospital.'
[1] The USDA, didn't close down 'Foster Farms', when they should have done so immediately. Its also been reported by 'Poultry Times', along with the latest news that the USA is funding more poultry processing farms. [3]

Remember the LORD said 'ELOKIM', and that can be to do with 'strict judgement' found in nature.

As such, the 'Salmonella' is judgement upon Foster Farms, and the nationwide processing farming industry in the USA.

So what does the biblical prophecies say about the eggs?

Prophet Isaiah gave a prophecy about the eggs.

'They hatch the eggs of vipers and spin a spider’s web. Whoever eats their eggs will die, and when one is broken, an adder is hatched.' Isaiah 59:5 

However, the good news is that it also mentions how the redeemer would come to (daughter) Zion and what he would dress himself with, because he knows that deliverance is far away from him, and his nation. It mentions how the people of that nation, are 'Swift to shed innocent blood' and how they 'rush in'. Sometimes, they don't even read what has been written, or ponder upon it deeply, when asked to do so. One of the Americans is also known as 'Rush'. 

Did you know that two so-called American orthodox Christians move 'swiftly' and 'rush in' because they have asked for my innocent blood? One woman even wrote how she is 'willing to fight until the death.'.  That is American mentality for you that came from the American Church. They were warned many times, for the LORD gave warnings well in advance, and we asked them to teshuvah to that which is sacred, and turn their hearts to the children. 

They know that it was made clear, and that I was serious when I passed forward the advance warnings, and that I spoke righteously in right conduct. It is rare when the LORD gives me warnings for specific individuals. However, it did happen in this case for some of the people that were involved in the timeline of Micah 4. Nostradamus also gave prophecies about it as well, and he spoke of nine people that would be affected, if they stood against yours truly. 

Is it any wonder that Isaiah 59 is about the USA, when it speaks of what they hatch and co-create? 

As we know Jesus also spoke about what is hatched, and it is do with their intention, what they do and how they do it. Including how they communicate. Many in the American nation are certainly in the state of being of Isaiah 59, and due to the Obadiah prophecy that was also predicted. In addition, to what Obama has done in the Rev 13 timeline. That is why wisdom was called, wisdom with insight. 

There is an American man that cares fully for his nation, and he has spoken truth to defend daughter Zion, he knows who he is. He has seen everything that they do, and have done; to the innocent holy one that was sent to help them. The watchtower for the flock as warned you about the 'egg's for the third time. 

And the verse of the day was?

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12




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