
Saturday 12 October 2013


  • After I made the last post I went to make a drink and the heavenly Father said 'Plantin'. [1] Plantin is the name of a 'transitional serif typeface' and it was named after the printer 'Christophe Plantin. 
  • Apparently, it was one of the typefaces that influenced the creation of Times New Roman' in the 1930's. [2]
  • Typefaces are also known as 'Fonts' and a 'Font' has a family of different types. Here you can see what I mean, so that you can comprehend. [3] There are literally 1,000's of them, choosing a font is like choosing a book to read. 
  • The typeface and font that you choose becomes part of your identity and how people view you and what you have to offer. As such, it is very important that what you choose can work in every medium. 
  • Before the Applemac innovation and revolution that changed the way that the creative industry worked; we had 'typographers' and whole departments of them in different companies.  
  • Typography was a specialist art, it isn't just what fonts you use, it is how those fonts are used to create the right impact. The name that you choose is also very important. Sometimes we are blessed to receive divine names that are divinely blessed for people. 
  • A simple typographical campaign can be very successful and cost-effective when a professional knows what they are doing with it. I often ran low-budget typographical campaigns for my clients when we had to make the budget go a long way. 
  • A North American was talking to me about typefaces the other week, and I shared with him that I am not a designer, I used to brief the designers and the designers had to meet the brief that I had given them.  Hence, I know what works and what doesn't. 
  • It was often the case that my company was asked to re-design the corporate identities that others had designed; so that they they would work. I was often called to put right what others had done. Just because a person has qualified as a designer, doesn't necessarily mean that they have the benefit of experience of a person that has worked in the creative industry for much of their life. 
  • Some people that choose to train in graphic design are not always graphic designers in their natural talents. When I used to look at the portfolio's of local students, I could see whether their natural talent was a photographer, illustrator, graphic designer or writer. Some are better at conceptual work than strategic implementation. Some are good at both. 
  • What good is a typeface or logo on the side of a building or van if people cannot read it from a distance? What good is a creative representation of what you do, if people do not remember it? 

In my humble view we don't see so much creativity on the internet; due to the amount of people that create without having the creative experience and professionalism that is required to run a successful campaign. The other day I asked a healer, where are your business cards, leaflets, website or blog?

Well he does have a sense of humor, the messages on the ', for Plantin are as follows: 

'A rather Serious Classic, 100% Reliability, Well tailored, reassuring, well mannered. A little reserved perhaps. Success obviously runs in the family. Always hands-on'. Simple and Complex, Tradition and Avantgarde, Narrow Pathway Ahead, 7/8, Affinity. [4] 

Big smiles! 


'The Plantin-Moretus Museum is a printing plant and publishing house dating from the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Situated in Antwerp, one of the three leading cities of early European printing along with Paris and Venice, it is associated with the history of the invention and spread of typography. Its name refers to the greatest printer-publisher of the second half of the 16th century: Christophe Plantin (c. 1520--89).'  

There is also what is known as the 'Plantin Polygot', and it was printed between 1568-1973. The NT is in Greek and Syriac, and the heavenly Father spoke about the 'Syriac' years ago. [5] Plantin decided to provide a polygot version of the bible to Philip II of Spain, in five different languages to prove his loyalty. By 1576 he operated 22 presses and was the leading printer-publisher of Northern Europe.

The Jewish Virtual Library state that 'From every aspect, the work was a masterpiece of Bible scholarship, typography, and illustration.'. 

'Plantin also printed Hebrew Bibles for export to Jewish communities in North Africa (1567) and may have issued the anonymous Hebrew prayer book which appeared in Antwerp c. 1577. His descendants maintained the press until 1875, when the Antwerp municipality transformed it into the present-day Plantin-Moretus Museum – a unique monument to Renaissance printing and publishing.' 

'When the printing was finally done, Plantin wrote "Now that the Bible is completed I am quite amazed at what I undertook; an enterprise which I would not repeat, even were I to be given 12,000 crowns as a pure gift." (Clair 1960, p. 76). That the Polyglot was ever completed is remarkable, considering the economic and political turmoil of the time.' [7] 

There are also the 'Platin Tenors', a trio of singers. The 'Impossible Dream'.

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