
Sunday 13 October 2013

Chalazion - Sensitive Eyes

About a week ago a small lump came up on my right eye, and I did wonder if I had overdone the palm oil on my face and eyes. My eyes have always been very sensitive, when I first began to wear make-up some mascara made my eyelashes fall out. I could only use a specific mascara that was for sensitive eyes, most of the time, I don't wear any make-up these days. Only if I go out for something special.

Well I did some research and it looks like this eye condition is called 'Chalazion' and a friend in Australia has recommend a thin coat of castor oil on it prior to sleep and to use it for 10-14 days. So I shall get some tomorrow and try it out. In the meantime I shall it bath it with some lavender.


Some people have translated the word 'Chalazion' as 'hail', or 'pimple, and it is an inflammation of the Melbomian glands due to the retention of secretions.

I did wonder about the name 'Chalazion' due to its inclusion of the word 'Zion'. When I checked my emails there is an email dated the 21st July, 2006 at 11.55. It mentions the Hebrew word 'Chalaph', that the LORD had spoken to me after I had been honored in Geneva as a 'Universal Peace Ambassador'.

The Old Testament Hebrew verb 'Chalaph', means 'pass on', 'pass away', 'pass through'. A feminine noun. Chaliyphah: a change, changing, varying, of course of life'. The word is definitely related to the Aramaic and as we know there were different dialects of it.

I am aware that there are big changes coming up in my life. I can never stand still, or in one place for long. I am always moving on. I did a quick check with the prophecies to see how it fits in with the timeline and it can be found in Hab 1:13 'Your eyes are too pure'. Its no coincidence that I was born on the 13th, and the Jewish sages know the significance of my date of birth.

There is also a medical condition called 'Job Syndrome', and in Job he also speaks about the eyes. Job certainly went through a lot and I so comprehend him.

'What are mortals if they could be pure, or those born of a woman that they could be righteous, if elohiym places no trust in his holy ones, if even the heavens are not pure in his eyes, how much less mortals'. Job 15:14-16 As we know this is the time of the old heavens and earth passing away, so that everything can be made anew. Hence the importance of the 'entrusted one' that Jesus spoke so affectionately about to his companions.

It is written that in Peru, the word 'Chala' means 'Coast'[1] I can really feel the heat now, healing is being received. He is never far away from his great fan!

Well I will keep you updated with progress and see what transpires.


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