
Sunday 13 October 2013

Aaron L Raskin - Mother Bird

Aaron L. Raskin from Chabad talks about sending the mother bird away so that they can take the nest for themselves.

Remember my recent dream of a man that took my black coat, the man that was 'robbing elohiym'?

Do they ever read Micah 4 about the woman in the last days of the end times; and her importance to stopping the wars in the world?   Do they ever read Hosea when he predicted that the LORD would plant HER in Jezreel? He did that in May 2006, her first mission to Israel. As he said 'By the time they find out what we have done, it will be too late for them to change it'.

Do they seriously think that the LORD will allow them to take the nest for themselves?

Its a good job that he put the moon under my feet! Would you like to see a picture of it Aaron? How about the initials in the flesh of my left hand?

Are you weeping for your nation Aaron? Where are you weeping? Did you follow instructions Aaron? Ever read the book of Deuteronomy? Did you find the name of the one that the LORD promised to Moses? Did you know it is recorded in the records of Israel, and that the scroll of remembrance was given in 2006?

In 2007 I was blessed to receive a visit from the Rebbe, and he told yours truly that the mothers and their children would listen. I can see now why why the message given by the Rebbe in 2007, in mystical Safed, was so important to the Rebbe.

It was at that time that the LORD also bestowed the mission to the USA, you can find that prophecy mentioned in Micah 4 as well. Funny, isn't it how you chose to live where you do Aaron! I recommend that you read Hab 1 and what is coming upon the USA, the land on which you live.


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