
Saturday 12 October 2013

Jesus said Go

In the night I had a dream, and in the dream there were a lot of people going to a wedding. I saw that my ex-husband Adam and his family were at the gathering outside. As such, I was being given a location. Although they did not go into the large hall to the wedding, they went into a different direction up a hill.

The bed covering that was predicted in the proverbs. 

80's Music, 'I will Survive'. Reminiscent of the prophecy of Prophet Joel. 

In the lucid dream I went into the large hall with others that were walking there as well, and there were a lot of people there, it was very 'Russell Brand', music festival type energy. It was like going into a concert hall. Lots of people were milling around that looked like him. Then all of a sudden a tall man that looked like him, had taken my black coat that I had worn in real life, and I asked him to give it back.

That coat was worn in real life when I was making presentations to business owners and winning clients with large budgets. I also wore it when I was socializing, it was in the 80's when Yves Saint Laurent revived the design and made it fashionable again. Although mine was an original that I had bought from a second-hand shop. I wore it with new black crepe trousers and a white monsoon ruffled blouse. The new blouse cost more than the coat.

In real life I had given that tuxedo coat away with the beautiful white monsoon blouse that I had worn underneath it. The blouse was in perfect condition. I have given many coats and clothes away to help others. Including sheep coats to keep people warm in the winter time.

What more can you do than give the clothes from your back? Yes, when they came I gave my coat and my shirt, what more can you ask of anyone? I even gave them the national media and publicity opportunities that were offered to me. It was interesting to see who accepted the opportunities that were offered to them; and then what they did with it.

Anyway, as the dream ended, a young male soul arrived, he had white, rounded, well-fed flesh, and he began to 'struggle' with me just like in the biblical story.  It was like he had jumped out of the lucid dream and into my reality. I was fully awake, and could see and feel him touching me, and what he was trying to do, and I spoke the name of Jesus at him.

I said the name of Jesus three times, 'Jesus said go.'  As soon, as the name of Jesus was spoken at him, the little visitor ran out of my reality as fast as he could.  That was the end of that, and I went back to sleep.

I must admit the events in recent days do remind me of Rev 3. So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.' Rev 3:15 

Those whom I love, I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

The word that was translated as 'repent', is different in Hebrew,  TESHUVAH and it means to return to the sacred. Can people return to the sacred without self-discipline and self-mastership? No. 

Self-mastery has to be in place in serious spirituality. Do students think they are greater than their master teacher? Do they think they are greater than Jesus and the divine realities? Jesus told his companions that they could do things greater than he, he never told them that they would become greater than him. There is the big difference. How many healers have truly become miracle workers like Jesus?  How many have truly become Lords as Jesus referred to his companions? It is time for the healers and spiritual people to walk the talk, as I have done. 

Do you young ones think you can take on this gracious and merciful fan? Do you think that you can take on Jesus and the entrusted one? Just try it, and see where it takes you. People are disciplined for their own good, to ensure that no harm comes to them. Its all part of the purification and refining that is imperative on the spiritual journey. Those that have truly connected with their divine guides, comprehend the power of the discipline; that takes place prior to the spiritual journey taking you anywhere. The Holy Spirit can only work with those that are disciplined, emotionally and spiritually mature. That is why some receive the blessing and some do not. The ability to see and hear Spirit can only be given to those that are disciplined. 

The flame of Joseph has the coat of many colors, and the colors of many coats. 

In summary, the experience included a 'location', 'a place', 'a black coat', 'music', a man that was 'robbing elohiym', a soul that was 'struggling with elohiym'. Hence the importance of Rev 3 and the prophecies of Malachi. 

Interesting that Yves Saint Laurent passed over in 2008, the same year that the Rev 12 timeline came to completion. He also had a teacher, Christian Dior. 'A giant in the fashion world. "Dior fascinated me," Saint Laurent later recalled. "I couldn't speak in front of him. He taught me the basis of my art. Whatever was to happen next, I never forgot the years I spent at by his side." Under Dior's tutelage, Saint Laurent's style continued to mature and gain even more notice.

When I gave that black coat away in real life, I was giving the energy of success to another, just like Christian Dior gave success to Yves Saint Laurent. When I gave the white blouse I was giving integrity, and purity of intention; so that others could also become saints. 

So what did they do with what I gave them? Did they comprehend the sheer significance of the giving and the divine message that it conveyed, or did they give the blessing to someone else?  

As the heavenly Father said to yours truly, 'Your life is a parable', 'You are a symptom of your success'. 


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