
Wednesday 9 October 2013

Mystics Dreams and Visions

People are reporting that they're having dreams and visions of 'purgatory'.

The Christian mystic, 'John of the Cross' wrote about it in terms of the 'dark night of the soul'. It relates to a state of being. They were interesting times for the mystics, I remember it well. Although it was a long time ago. 

The great thing about the mystics rope is that you can help your brothers and sisters to come through it; by giving them the other end of the rope. 

Jesus was a great divine teacher that helped the true mystics including me; just like I helped the mystics when they asked for help to comprehend their mystical experiences. Experience counts and those that have the real experience can help others to comprehend it. When people are ready to receive the gift they definitely receive it. 

Some people are beginning to comprehend the sharped edge sword of truth as well. 'The point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping',  from Sacred Words. 

Did they receive the mystical sword of truth? Did they truly comprehend it? How many swords did they receive? Well the way that they communicate and what they do shows us exactly what level of consciousness that they are at! 

I just read an email from an ex-student, and I asked him to come back when he has put the effort into the self-healing. He still has to integrate one of the very first principles of honoring your teachers and elders. Also that I will accept his apology gracefully, when he has integrated the humility that is required to move to the next level. Discipline on the spiritual journey is essential; due to self-mastery that has to be integrated prior to people being allowed to go anywhere in the ascended celestial realms. 

I can understand why the LORD spoke of 'They blame it on the sun' the other day. 

They sure do have a lot of work to do to comprehend who impacts on the sun of righteousness, what the sun does and why! 

This little mandala came into today as well, so I shall call it 'Mystics'. Its time for the mystics to burst out of the 'boxes' that they've allowed themselves to put into. Seriously, only when they comprehend the initiations on the rite of passage will they stop using the terminology of the academic medical profession. 

Only when they are willing to see that when a gift is given to them; their job is to do their utmost to comprehend it by integrating what is being shared with them.  From years of experience I know that the LORD only sends me into a particular reality if those people can be helped to make a breakthrough! 

Whatever level they're on. 

My time is precious to the LORD, it is devoted entirely to his will being done. Hence, we are talking about a huge commitment of one's life that is dedicated to serving him in the best way that I know how.  
He takes me where he takes me, he brings those he chooses to the sun of righteousness to ensure that they are purified. 

As I told a woman years ago, I am always the last resort, if you didn't make a breakthrough during all the opportunities that you had previously, then this is your last chance to do so this lifetime. If spiritual people do not make a breakthrough when the light weights are sent in, then he sends in the spiritual elders who have a huge amount of experience with all realities. 

One who knows God

The fan arrived as predicted! 

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