
Wednesday 9 October 2013

Asia-Pacifica Visions

Last night when I went for a relaxing bath before bed, soon after I got into the bath I started to see visions.

First there was an Arab with a white headdress and dark colored coat robe. Then after that there were outlines of American cartoon type cats faces wearing big glasses.

Then I saw a monkey jump onto the back of a koala bear.

The monkey was  like the small ones that you see at the Hindu monkey temples in Malaysia and Indonesia.

I asked the LORD what is the meaning of this?

He replied ‘Saudi are behind the migration’.

I asked the LORD why don’t you stop Saudi?

Then I saw planes that looked like drones. 

The message was then sent to people who live in Asia-Pacifica.

Then today there is news about planes and the power of sound on the being of the people. 

The Daily Mail have featured research on the power of sound on your health. How those that are 'exposed to high aircraft noise are up to a fifth more likely to die of a disease. The noise triggers a stress hormone that raises blood pressure.'  

The researchers have discovered that living near an airport may increase the incidence of 'stroke' 'heart', and 'circulatory disease'. When 'stress hormones' are triggered it raises blood pressure that then impacts on sleep. They're now going to do further investigation into night flights and their impact. 

You may also remember that previous post on 'Night workers and sleep', [2] This blog has also featured research on sleep and the impact on children. As we know there are many people in developing countries where the workers are denied their human rights to sleep. That includes Asia-Pacifica, Saudi and Islamic countries. 

Now the USA might like to ponder upon the sound of guns and its impact on the people. Why? The USA has the highest incidence of heart disease. No surprise really is it when people live in such a nation. Its time for gun owning Americans to comprehend the power of sound on consciousness and its impact on the health of the beings and children. 


Some sounds are healthy for you and your consciousness and some are not! Sound impacts on your energetic system and its nervous system. Consciousness is fragile, energy is intelligent, it responds to life experience in a powerful way. To assist humanity to wake up and come into full awareness of what is happening to you, your health and the reasons why! Did you comprehend it? If not, why not? Did you seek within for the reasons why? 

It isn't just the sounds in your environment. Its also the sounds that children are listening to and the pictures that they are seeing on TV and in films etc. 

From MRI scans they have discovered the following: 

'When children are shown videoclips with situations where they see people suffering pain by coincidence, neural circuits related to pain are being activated in their brain.' [3] 

Nothing new to the healers that have worked with sound when giving healing to others. We have known it for 1000's of years. 

People were given their senses for good divine purpose.

What do you allow to impact on those senses?

What do you allow to be put upon your children's plate of consciousness? 

Why do you think that the Sons of God were healers of consciousness? Why do you think that Jesus told the so-called priests to clean their plates and cups? Seriously, he was telling them to purify and cleanse their souls! Why do you think that he came to bring back what had been buried by the orthodox? The one known as Jesus knew how Sons of God were born. Hence you find them mentioned in plural in the Dead Sea Scrolls. 

It is no coincidence that the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered again in the 20th century when the flame of Joseph was arriving. For the LORD, the heavenly Father, wish for you to know this truth. 




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