
Thursday 10 October 2013

1/3 Prophecies

It was in 1997/98 that I was presenting lectures on 'Millennium Prophecies' at MBS shows and exhibitions around the country. One of the prophecies received in 1996 was as follows: '1/3rd of the world's population will cease to walk the earth'. In those days I was not aware that the biblical prophecies also mention 1/3rd. I noticed yesterday that a video has been made of the sun with a 1/3rd of it with a 'coronal hole'.

Apparently it began on July 13th and that was the 'Day of Opportunity'. In the biblical prophecy video it cites Revelation chapter 8:12 and in recent times I also received a 12/8th's prophecy as well. That prophecy can be accessed on our previous blogs.

In some translations it is written that the 'Sun was smitten', in other translations we find the word 'Struck'.

I would be interested to know if anyone else has any images of the sun taken at any other time with the sun darkened like it is in this image. I am always open to new revelations that can help humanity to comprehend what is taking place on this planet right now!

We know from experience that biblical prophecies are not always in chronological order. Rev 8 does mention an 'Eagle' and the biblical scholars related it to Rome, as we know Rome is woven into the USA with the 'Eagle' as their symbol in these last days of the end times.

In fact, the last time that I received a vision of the White House it had the bird above it and a coffin on the front lawn with an American flag upon it. That was prior to the re-election of Obama.

Interesting that the other day at a local event, there was a glass coffin with a golden skeleton inside it. When I asked about it, I was told that the skeleton had come from the USA. Strange that America should concentrate on skeletons and their coffins! Does it remind you of the 'Dry Bones' prophecy of Prophet Ezekiel?

Scholars write that the 'Third Part', is written five times in Rev 8 and some of them view it as the 'limitation', that God has put upon the impact of the changes impacting on humanity. The numeric of five is also to do with physical reality. Hence, the significance is that Rev 8 is about physical manifestation. 8 is also the symbol of infinity, and the numeric of transformation in Hebrew it is the value of the letter 'CHET'. The 'Chet Visions' are also posted on a previous blog in two parts.

As such, it means that what takes place is meant to transform humanity into a different state of being and way of behaving and living on this planet. [1]

In 2011, the Telegraph newspaper wrote about the 'Third' as well. However, Western journalists like to think that this is going to happen some place else other than where they live. Alas, the biblical prophecies predicted that every nation will be impacted upon, and we have witnessed that with the floods and fires.

At this point, no country or Island is safe, not even Israel. Remember the 5 million trees that burned down on Mount Carmel in 2010? Remember the fires that swept through UK cities in 2011? Both fulfilled biblical prophecies.

Do you know that scientists are finding that a 1,000 Brits a day are infected with the 'Cat Plague'?

The people were asked to turn their hearts to the children, or face the consequences for not doing so.

The prophecies tell the people that they're 'robbing elohiym', in this timeline, do they know why and how?

When I awoke this morning, I was given the word 'Green', no surprise then today's planetary weather video features the color Green in the UK. Above is the last painting that I received with the color green strongly in it. It looks like a person is wearing a 'snorkel' e.g. a diver, it also looks like the trunk of an elephant.

The conservationists know what the USA did to the great barrier reef in Australia. Destruction comes in many forms and ways, if people have their eyes and ears open to what is taking place on this precious planet, and who is responsible for it and when.


Yes, this is the 'Day of Opportunity', it is an opportunity for humanity to make a real breakthrough and change their ways. Nature, nurture and environment! As we have been telling humanity for years, 2012 was the end of the world as the world has known it!

Is your locality prepared for what is coming?



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