
Thursday 10 October 2013

Badgers and Balloons

This story of the badgers published yesterday appealed to my sense of humor. "A government minister said 'badgers moved the goalposts' when asked why marksmen failed to reach the cull target."  [1]

Yea, we moved the goalposts all right because we had no choice but to do so. Culling badgers is not supported by the honey of wisdom.

What else is happening? Those that rode and ride in 'hot air balloons' are 'bursting'. They have the audacity to tell Christians that try to help them; that Islam is a 'religion of peace'. When there is 1,400 years of history that proves otherwise. The word 'religion' doesn't even exist in the Arabic translation of the Qu'ran, or in the biblical Hebrew.

Then when an orthodox Christian tries to talk to them about their spirituality, they don't know how to defend themselves appropriately. Why? They haven't done their homework or integrated what I have been sharing with them for years. As I said 'Times up'.

Then when they come and complain to me at the way that Christians treated them, you share again what you shared previously.

Then what do they do?

Well you know what happens then don't you? The fan sends it right back to the person that owns what they threw at the fan!

So what happens when they burst? Those 'hot air balloons hit the ground!' and have to start again from the beginning to integrate what they were supposed integrate a decade ago.

Righteousness arrived and they don't like it when the sword of truth bursts their balloons. The sword of mercy has an important purpose to help the people. Always remember that.

Tough love sometimes is essential to get people to make a breakthrough. As a Christian man in the USA wrote 'It is better to be rebuked, than for love to remain hidden'. Well this divine love in manifestation on the earth plane is hidden no longer. 

As they say at Findhorn, 'Tough assignments are only given to the best students'. Some of them didn't qualify because they were flying in balloons instead of doing the real serious inner work. Then they wonder why their life purpose and work isn't moving forward. They can't move forward with their work until they integrate what they were taught and was shared with them.

It requires wings to fly divine, not balloons.
 Miracle workers don't fly in balloons they do not put their lives at risk for anyone! 

The same happened with the Indians, (Hindu's) they couldn't defend their spiritual philosophy in the UK against those that stood against them in every college and university in the land. 

Its time to get real about your spiritual philosophies, real spirituality is for the serious and not for the faint hearted. Mystical healers have to have the strength and courage to experience many different realities in order to help humanity to make a breakthrough. Only then do you have gnosis yourselves because then you have experienced it for yourselves. Only then do you have the solutions for what ails humanity. Only then do you have the holy grail, you won't find the holy grail of ascension floating in a 'hot air balloon'. 

First they have to become masters of the self before they can fly with wings anywhere. That takes a lot of self-discipline and a lot of inner work. Prior to teaching the soul to fly divinely! Are their mystical healers that are Muslims? Yes, of course there are. They're even teaching Reiki healing in Pakistan now. I asked a student that was complaining about the Christian,  how many heavens have you experienced? There was silence! As Jesus said to the Muslims in 2007, 'Those that remain silent are compliant to the suffering in the world'. 

The true mystical healers are united in the heart, as Prophet Joel explained they're also 'survivors' and the 'survivors' do not stand against yours truly. They listen and comprehend at a very deep level of being, and we crossed the new frontiers together in 2006 with the spiritual mystical healers in Israel. 

Remember this song? I was singing it in the 80's. 'I will survive'. 

Walking the talk 

Love beyond measure 


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