
Friday 11 October 2013

British Poverty

How many people have wept for their nation? Do you find them weeping in the Churches in England? How about in the pubs, restaurants and wine bars? Do the Brits feel ashamed at what is taking place in their nation? As Jesus predicted, "If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.” Mark 8:38

The term 'Son of Man' is a term of endearment that is why Daniel and Ezekiel were also called "Son of Man'. Biblical scholars agree that when Jesus spoke of the 'Son of Man' to come he was not speaking of himself. Hence, he also predicted that 'Wisdom will be proven right by HER actions', 'Wisdom will be proven right by her words'. Rev 13 called for wisdom to do the count! She arrived with the holy angels in Rev 12 and that timeline was completed in December 2008. 

So why should this nation of ours be 'ashamed'? 

Breaking news: First time since WWII – Red Cross launches emergency food aid in England.

'Welfare cuts and the economic downturn send soaring numbers of people to soup kitchens and food banks across Europe.

Britain is just one of many countries where families are struggling to put food on the table. In a report released today into the devastating humanitarian impact of Europe’s financial crisis, the Red Cross recorded a 75 per cent increase in the number of people relying on their food aid over the last three years. At least 43 million people across the Continent are not getting enough to eat each day and 120 million are at risk of poverty.'

I remember over a decade ago when they were telling Brits to have more children because there wasn’t enough children being born to prop up the UK corporation in taxes. They then increased the population with immigration of people that have large families. Hence the cultural genocide that we warned everyone about in 2007/2008. British people are now a minority in their own city of London.

What shame upon the Brits that do not feed their own people, and cut off their life lines with increased food and energy prices. The prophecies predict that only those that are merciful will receive mercy in these last days of the end times. How merciful were you? 

There is enough food in the world to feed everyone, poverty is socially engineered by governments, its politicians and policy advisors. In Greece women are giving their children to charities to take care of them and some are putting their children up for adoption. Seriously, are Western nations returning to the Victorian era of women and children in the workhouses? What did Christabel and her mother work so hard for? What use is the vote in this day and age? It is a vote for more poverty, more social engineering of the communities in which our peoples live. 

I shall not vote in protest, I tore up the registration form. My son does not vote either. What will governments do if everyone refuses to vote for them? We refuse to vote for the existence of poverty in our nation, while the Cameron's of this world live in utter luxury like Elizabeth that was given a 5 million a year pay rise. How much Bedroom Tax does Elizabeth and Cameron pay? How much tax does Prince Charles pay on his country estates? How can they sleep at night? How can they live with their consciences while British people suffer? 


British people live in the smallest properties and spaces in the EU. 

Over the generations the spaces have got smaller, and smaller. 

Enough is enough! 

All taxes on the poor must be abolished, all monies taken from the poor are to be returned, compensation must also be given to all of the people that have suffered due to what the British government and its agencies have done. Simple as that! 

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