
Wednesday 30 October 2013


During a reflexology treatment today, I was sharing about my experiences and why I would not bow to the demands of the police. Why? I was defending my divine authority given to me by the divine, I was defending truth, human rights and the universal declaration of freedom of speech, article 19. 

I was preserving my own dignity, integrity, and inner sanctum of peace. Could I've lived with my own conscience,  if I had given into their demands? No. and in the history of Jesus that was what he was doing as well. Jesus stood in integrity, and he would not bow to that which was not. 

Jesus would not bow down to those that stood against him, and nor do I. Jesus stood upon his holy ground of trust in God, in addition to his principles and values that are heavenly. So it is, Jesus only bows before the heavenly. That is what he was doing when he washed the feet of those that trusted him loyally. Just like my feet were washed today, with reflexology by a Reiki healer that followed the law  of the prophets on the highway to holiness. 

What happened to Jesus has been called the 'Temptation Initiation,'  that is just one of the initiations that people are faced with at different times in their lives. Until they pass it with flying colors. 

The American nation were faced with that when Obama offered them what they were asking for prior to his election. Did Obama give the people what he said he would? Well the USA certainly got change from putting their hope and money into Obama. 

However, there is a completely different initiation that is in the same vein, because it is to do with the precious life of the prophets, that I am explaining here, it relates to what I experienced in 2011. It is called 'Satan's Bow', by those who know. 

Do you know what is required to defend yourself from bowing down to it? Jesus only bows down before those that are worthy to be bowed down to. To those that followed him all the way home to the heavenly Father. Did he bow down before me, yes he did. It was a wonderful divine spiritual experience. 

Do you have the golden hammer? It is written that Jesus was a carpenter, so he would have used a hammer. While I was receiving the reflexology treatment today, I saw a golden hammer, and it reminded me of Thor's hammer. 

The academics have also come up with what they call the 'Law of Instrumentation', and it is based upon using 'only one tool for all purposes.'  The medical profession is based upon that paradigm, and so is the Vatican's Christianity. That is why Jesus warned against the medics in the book of Matthew. He also said 'Christianity was never born, it is still in the womb'. 

If you take a look at what the academics have done you will see that in their 'Law of Instrumentation', the name 'Baruch' comes up, does it sound familiar? Does it remind you of Obama? 

'Under the name of "Baruch's Observation," it is also attributed to the stock market speculator and author Bernard M. Baruch.' 

The academics included the 'Golden Hammer' into IT, it is described as 'Other forms of narrow-minded instrumentalism include: déformation professionnelle, a French term for "looking at things from the point of view of one's profession", and regulatory capture, the tendency for regulators to look at things from the point of view of the profession they are regulating'. [1] 

Are you starting to get the picture that the academics have co-created? Can you comprehend now why the medical profession ended up the way that it did? 

Kaplan and Maslow were also involved in it. Abraham Kaplan's quote about the concept from 1964. 'I call it the law of instrument, and it may be formulated as follows: Give a small boy a hammer, and he will find that everything he encounters needs pounding'. 

Abraham Maslow, 'Psychology of Science', published in 1966, his hammer, 'If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail'. 

It does make you wonder what their intention really was. The golden celestial hammer that I saw today, was too big for a child to pick up, let alone wield. How can a child wield its power and spiritual gifts against the academics, the medical profession and what they do? It is up to parents to become aware of the old paradigm, that the medical profession is based upon. 

The medical profession are happy to have alternative therapists to volunteer for free, while the medics and its stakeholders that support the medics and pharmaceutical industry, fill their pockets with your money. How does it feel USA? The orthodox health industry is the biggest in America isn't it? That which is banned in the USA, is still distributed in developing countries, the last time that I looked. 

How does it feel UK, did you know that the British government's NHS has employed an American to run your national healthcare system? What does the American have to teach the UK about how to run its service? Seriously folks, wake-up. The American healthcare system is private, and is paid for by insurance, all those involved in it, earn from it, at the peoples expense.  When your insurance runs out, that's it folks, no more treatment. 

Those that know the history of the American medical profession, know full well that it does not have the solutions. So why are they coming to the UK to tell this nation how it should be operated? 

British nurses know more about the operations of the NHS than any American. However, we all know what happens to them if they dare to speak up. Eagles dare that is true. However, have you noticed that the golden eagles are dying in America? Did you know that the USA has the highest incidence of heart disease in the world? Are you going to bow, or allow the NHS to bow down to an American paid for by you? 

How about you America, are you going to continue to bow down to Obama and his Obamacare? 

Or are you going to embrace the fact that health worldwide requires a completely new spiritual, scientific and holistic paradigm? As experienced, seen and viewed through the eyes of the pure.  

On the spiritual healing journey of the highway of holiness, the people are given many different energies and methodology to work with for the healing process. Different seasons and timeframes, different health conditions require different approaches to access the root causes of the core issues that cause the effect. Different remedies, and different solutions for different aspects of consciousness. 

On the spiritual journey with the Spirit of Jesus, is he the 'only one', no, you get to experience all sorts of wonderful energies in the different rooms of the Father's house. How can anyone or he show you the different rooms and what they contain, if you are only allowed in one room? Could you live happily in one room like when a police officer puts you in a cell? What is the difference between what the Vatican have done; and what the police do with their law of instrumentation? 

Don't you also experience it with the energy companies, bankers and corporations? The difference between the hammer of the academics, and the celestial hammer is that the celestial hammer has the power of God with it. The celestial hammer has the divine authority for it to be wielded, as I am wielding it for you right now in righteousness. 

This comes on an interesting day, the day prior to the billion dollar celebrations in the USA. What did Americans spend their billions on, on what did they bow down to? I feel that the LORD has made his point handsomely. 

30th of October is the 'Day of the Overseer'. Was that clever of them? What they did with the word 'Overseer', to relate it to 'Slaves'. Can you see what they have been doing to human consciousness? 

Do Seers have 'slaves?'.  Of course not, most clairvoyants work alone in service to helping the people. 

Who fed Elijah? The birds. 

However, America loved the terminology 'Overseer', and used it extensively. [1] Can you see what I can see with these pure eyes?

Didn't the Hebrews tell you about the spiritual power that was sharper than a double-edged sword?

For the word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, to the joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 

Let me ask you this, where did the Roman centurion go when he required a cure? He went to Jesus. where did the police officer come when he required help to heal his consciousness? Yours truly! 

Where do the people go when the medics tell the people that there is nothing more that they can do to help them? They come to alternative therapists and healers in the will of the LORD. 

At the end of the day, I know where Jesus stands on the matter, and I have been blessed to be the fan that he predicted would come. Entrusted with much, and much was asked of me. In fact, it has been beyond measure.

So no more 'overdependence' [3] on the business systems from the old paradigm, that was co- created by the academics. That includes the medical profession, the police force, justice system, everything,  because there are more suitable approaches to solving the real issues that humanity is now facing. 

The fact is that humanity has no choice but to shift, it is recovery or extinction. 

As the LORD said 'ELOKIM' 

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