
Tuesday 29 October 2013

Alan John Miller Called Out

WND have written that this photograph from Switzerland has gone viral on the internet, some claim that it is Jesus. 

Isaiah 59 speaks of those that 'rush in', and it is certainly concerning for the people of the USA in this timeframe.
 Especially, as WND announce that 'RUSH' is at number 1 there. 

So let's look at this photograph that has gone viral already. 

1. Jesus doesn't wear brown, 2. He isn't tall and thin like that, 3. Who is the woman dressed in pink?

In the Michelangelo Jesse fresco there are two people in it. A man that is wearing brown that is sitting behind the woman, and in the fresco in the Sistine Chapel, she is wearing a pink skirt. 

I was divinely instructed to wear pink for the gathering on the holy hill in Israel in May 2006. Also there was a Swiss-Israeli author that came to meet me in Florence for the Harmonic Concordance. However, he isn't that thin either. Some people are saying its something on the windscreen. I disagree, the sheer size of the appearance, would've been created by a major force. 

OK, we then have a man in Australia claiming that he is the reincarnation of Jesus and his partner is Mary Magdalene. Is that true? 

First lets take a look at the girlfriend, Mary Luck, you will see that she has a nose piercing. 

Mary Magdalene was an aromatherapist, and as such knew about the energy system. People that are fully aware of the energy system, do not pierce their bodies, and especially not so close to the governing meridian. In my experience, Mary Magdalene did incarnate in the 20th century, she also passed over again in the 20th century, and I do know who she was. A very famous person, although she is not the subject of this post. 

Alan John Millar, claims that he was Yeshua Ben Joseph. When in fact, it has already been proven by those that investigated Harold Campion's work. That Yeshua was not the mysterious Ben Joseph. 

Also the Son of Joseph was not predicted to come until the last days of the end times, so Alan cannot be the incarnation of him. It is written that in Judaism, the Jewish people did not start talking about Messiah Joseph that was to come until 135 AD. 

It is a matter of the facts of the case, the evidence that is being provided for us to see. The prophecies also predicted that the flame of Joseph would come, and to be the flame of Joseph the person has to have the right name. The name of the flame of Joseph is not Alan, nor is it Jesus or Yeshua. 

I could write more, but that is enough. 




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